23. "No, no, no..."

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(Justin Bieber)

"Justin, I just got a call. I have to go to work and I can't take you with me." mommy informed, walking into my room.

"Ok, what about-"

"Gracie's busy, Justin. Y'know, she has a life that doesn't constantly revolve around you." she smirked and I sighed.

"I know." I muttered.

Why does mommy always have to right?

"Alright, so don't open the door for anyone and don't leave the house, got it?" she pointed a finger at me and I nodded.

"Good, I love you baby. Stay safe." she kissed my forehead and left.

I heard the front door close and I stood up from my bed.

Don't leave the house, got it?

What if it's something really important?

Like I ran out of chocolate chip cookies.

Or Gracie

Yeah, I think Gracie's more important than chocalate chips cookies. And I love chocolate chip cookies.

I'll just go find Gracie and come right back before mommy even knows.

I nodded to myself before walking out of the house.

Where did Gracie go again? Oh yeah, the hospital.

I sighed when I realized I didn't know where the hospital was.

If you don't know where to go, always choose left.

Or was it right?

I shrugged and went to the right. I started to see familiar roads and I smiled.

Right it was.

"Hey, you!" I turned to the alley to see a scary looking guy staring at me.

"Y-yes?" I gulped.

"You got money?" he questioned and I shook my head.

"No, mommy doesn't let me."

"Mommy? What are you, 5?" he chuckled and took a step forward.

He wore a brown jacket, dirty jeans, torn up jeans, and a brown beanie. His eyes were red as he stared me down.

"S-six, actually." I stammered, frightened by his appearance.

He let out a laugh that made my head hurt. Well, I am sick so everything makes my head hurt.

"Nice one, but I know you have money." he glared at me.

"I don't, I swear." I rushed out.

"Liar." he growled and suddenly I was against a wall.

"Ow." I winced.

"Can you please let go of-"

I gasped when his fist collided with my face.

"No, no, no..." I whispered as several blows were thrown at my body.

I felt weak but the guy held me up against the wall.

"Stop! Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I screeched.

He suddenly threw me to the ground and I groaned in pain.

I felt shuffling in my pockets and the guy scoff.

"You don't even have money!" he screamed.

"I told you..." I whimpered.

He spit on my withering body and kicked me before walking away.

I cried as I felt nothing but pain.

(2 hours later)

(Gracie Adams)

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

I was now at home taking care of Nick since my mom's still at work.

"Gracie!" I heard Pattie sob.

My eyes widened. "What's wrong?"

"Justin! Oh God, my baby! H-he's gone missing!" she cried and my heart dropped.

My Justin? Gone missing?

I held back a sob. "I'll be there in 5."


Aww, poor Justin!

So, who wants to see more Jacie!

Lol, you guys blew up my phone wanting Jacie so here ya go.


Hope you liked the chapter (You probably didn't 'cause Justin got beat up but can't hurt to ask lol)

XxLove you guysxX


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