you think I'm crazy? possibly.

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Jimin pov:

"Thank you,  please come again!" I say as the customer leaves.

I quickly walk to their table,  clearing it of anything left over,  and giving it a wipe down.

The door bell rings,  and I look up to see Yoongi,  waving my car keys around.

"Hey, babe. I'll sit over here and wait for your shift to be done. "

Today is a small shift,  only a few hours to make a bit of extra cash.

I don't mind,  I love my job.

It always smells like pizza.

I finish the rest in 30 minutes, so I clock out, saying a quick goodbye to my manager.

Yoongi gets up and grabs my hand,  us walking to the car and driving home.

Him and I talk about some things on the way.

"So, how do you feel about Star?"

I raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? I love Star."

I love her.  The best thing I heard today was her saying she loved me.

I smile.

"She loves me,  too"

Yoongi grins.

"I'm happy she said she loves us, because it would be awkward if I told her I loved her without her being ready.  You have no idea how many times I've had to catch myself. " he replied.

We pull into the parking lot,  but notice that someone's belongings are all over the place by the stairs.

Why does it look familiar?

We get out of the car and rush towards the things.

That jacket.

Its jungkooks.

We rush up the stairs to find Kook hovering over something, crying his eyes out.

I run to him, and I let out a strangled gasp.

Star is laying there in a pool of blood.

"Yoongi.. call 911."

He looks at me strangely, before walking beside me.

His mouth drops open.

"CALL 911 NOW!"

Yoongi quickly makes the call, and I try to pick up Jungkook.

He pushes my hand away.


he is in shock.

That's why he hasn't called anyone.

"I'm not going to hurt her, I need to make sure she is still breathing. "

My chest aches and I feel like vomiting.

Hesitant,  I place my fingers on the side of her neck.

She has a pulse,  but barely.


He runs up to us.

"The nearest ambulance is an hour out. "

"She won't make it then. Put her in the car. "

Jungkook is somewhat responsive now,  and quickly picks up Star and runs her to the car.

Placing her in the back seat,  he quickly throws his jacket over her, before getting in and resting her head in his lap.

Yoongi gets in the driver's seat,  swinging out of the lot and into traffic.

Someone You Loved// BTS X Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now