heartache on the big screen

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As Yoongi is teaching his class, I smile down at my stomach.

My little jelly beans.

The morning sickness is atrocious, but it is so worth it to be blessed to carry my 2 little angels.

"Alright, you guys are on your own now. Try not to make too much of a mess while you're at it. You're young adults, not pigs."

He walks to me, holding his hand out. "Lets go in my office."

I nod, taking his hand and standing from the surprisingly comfy chair he had behind his desk.

We walk towards the office, and one of the guys from the class yells out "GET IT MR. MIN!"

Yoongi turns around and sends a glare to him. "This door will be open. No playing around, Austin."

when we enter the office, I try to sit in one of the plastic chairs meant for the students, but he quickly leads me to the computer chair in front of his worktable.

"Sit here. I just wanted to talk to you about earlier."

I giggle. "It's fine, really. I mean, I don't mind."

He blushes. "So you aren't upset?"

"OH GODS NO! Actually quite the opposite."

We hear some commotion from outside the office and we run out, seeing that the guy that he told not to play around was indeed, playing around.

"Austin, if you do not let go of him right now, I will call the principal."

The boy, Austin, grins at Yoongi.

"Yeah? Go ahead. What are you going to do about it? Go Jackie Chan on me?"

My blood boils. "Really? You want to pull that card? He is your teacher, not your friend. Don't you dare speak to him like that."

He lets the guy go, walking up to me.

The boy is tall and pretty big, but you know what they say about the big ones:

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

"Mind your own business, lady."

"Get out of my face, Boy."

He then pushes me back, and I stumble over a chair, falling on the floor.

A sharp pain rips through my lower back and I cry out.

Yoongi is by my side in an instant. He places his hand on my stomach.


A girl standing in the back quickly heads to the door, pressing a button beside it, heading in the direction of Joons room.

"Wow, she fell whoopdy shit."

Yoongi growls. "She's pregnant, babo!"

Austin's eyes grow wide, but goes back to the little smirk. "Good."

Yoongi goes to get up, but I grab his arm. "I need you."

The girl runs in, followed by Joon.

"What happened in here?"

Claire speaks. "Austin had Tony in a head lock, wouldn't let him go. Mr. Min told him to stop, and Austin was like 'are you gonna go Jackie Chan on me?' and Mr. Mins wife was like 'He is your teacher not you friend' and Austin pushed her into a chair and she fell and now Mr. Min is freaking out and so am I kind of ya know? Cause this seems very serious an-"

"Thank you Claire, but I thinl I have a pretty good idea what happened." Joon points at Austin.

"You. Go outside in the hall, and I will take you to the office. NOW!" Joon runs to me once Austin is out the door.

"Are you okay?"

"My back, it hurts."

His eyes are wide. "Did you fall on it?"

I shake my head. "There was a sharp pain."

He pulls out his phone, dialing a number and placing it on his ear.

When whoever he called answers, he speaks Korean into the phone.

He hangs up, Looking at me. "Jungkook and Jimin are on the way to come get you and take you to the doctor, okay? Lets get you into the chair."

They help me up, and the Claire girl sits beside me.

I don't mind, I think she is adorable. She has round glasses, boyfriend jeans and a black and grey flannel on.

"So, I don't mean to be nosey, but is it true?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Is what true?"

"Does Mr. Min and Mr. Kim really..." She leans in closer. "Have more soulmates?"

I nod. "Yes. There is 8 of us."

We talk for a while longer, Until Jungkook and Jimin come in. Claire stops and gapes at the 2 men, and I think she might have stopped breathing.

"Hey, chubs, lets get you to the doctor." Jimin says, grabbing my hand and helping me out the chair.

"Oh Jeez they are so adorable." I hear Claire mumble, and I blush.

They take me to urgent care, where they go over all kinds of things with me. They explain how I aggravated my sciatic nerve, and it would probably give me more problems in the future since I am pregnant.

They also let me know that the babies were fine, the fall didn't hurt them in any way.

That's good.

Time skip brought to you by your author is tired and hasn't slept well in about 2 weeks.

"So what happened to the kid who pushed her?" Jin asks Yoongi as he scoops some homemade chicken alfredo into his mouth.

"They ended up sending him back to the high school. I don't know. They had me write a write up and send it to the School stating what happened. I then got in major trouble for calling him stupid. I'm suspended for a week." Yoongi replied.

They keep talking back and forth as I try not to pass out into my plate.

The pain medication they gave me is making me insanely sleepy, and I am trying my hardest to stay awake.

I must have ended up passing slam the hell out, because I wake up to being carried and placed on the bed, a thick blanket being laid over me.

I close my eyes again, and slip to the world of sleep.


I walk out of the room to hear the guys talking to each other.

"I can't believe she actually believes she is our soulmate." Jin says.

"Right? Who could love someone like her? She has way too much emotional baggage." Hobi replies.

"Speaking of too much baggage, have you seen how fat she is? Like, lay off the sweet girl." Jimin says laughing.

The tears well up in my eyes, and I cover my stomach with my hand for comfort.

"Oh look, she decided to finally come out of the room! About time! all you ever do is sleep. Do you ever clean? Get a job?" Yoongi asks.

I cry harder. I feel a pain in my stomach, and look down to see Joon holding a knife, smiling at me.

I jolt up in bed, panting and hyperventilating.

It was only a dream.

I lay back down, turning over and cuddling into Jimins side, hiding my face.

He turns to face me, pulling me into his arms, holding me tightly in his sleep.

I really need more sleep.

Someone You Loved// BTS X Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now