broke boys don't deserve no

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I have been listening to a bunch of Cardi B as of recently and I have no idea why. ALSO THIS IS WHY IT TAKES SO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE NOW A DAYS! COOKY DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO LEAVE ME ALONE😂

Yoongis POV:

I turn my bike into the next lane, getting ready to pull up in the drive way.

I pull in and park beside her silver Toyota, Far enough that if one of the boys happened to think to look here then they wont see my bike.

Knocking on the door, I look behind me, making sure I wasn't followed.

I haven't been here in years, not since we met Hobi. I never had any real reason to.

But I do tonight.

"Yoongi! I missed you!" She says from the door, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I missed you, too Krissy. Can I come in?"

She lets go and I follow her into the house.

Time to let loose for a while.


"The neighbor guy. One of the guys that were in the group!" 

Jungkook raises his eyebrow. 

"I don't remember any faces from the group, I was too busy looking at you."

I sigh. I think Jungkook is the only one who seen him before, and he doesn't even remember.

I mentally face palm.

Jungkooks phone rings, causing us both to jump slightly. 

"Hello, this is Jungkook."

"Yes, she is right here. What is it, Jin?"

His eyes widen.

"We will be down in a few minutes."

He hangs up the phone and sets it down on my lap, before turning and pressing the nurse call button.


A few moments later, a nurse runs in, looking around frantically.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there anyway we can get her a wheelchair? We have to get down to the ER immediately."

The nurse pauses and then nods.

"I will bring one right away."

She walks out and I turn to Jungkook.

"Is everything okay with Joon?"

He stares at me. 

"It's not Joon."

The nurse comes in and helps me into the wheelchair, making sure the rolling IV is properly stable. Jungkook takes the nurses place behind the wheelchair, Rolling me out of the room.

"Jungkook, What is going on?"

My heart is starting to hurt and my stomach hurts.

I feel like vomiting.

"I have to focus on the floors, Star. I will tell you in a minute."

He wheels us into the elevator, pressing a button before nodding shyly to the woman standing next to us.

The woman smiles at me. "Congrats on the baby!"

Huh? How does she know?

"Your wrist band, its purple. They only give out purple bands to pregnant patients."

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