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I woke up to the smell of bacon and French toast. I walk into the kitchen and see Jack standing by the stove cooking shirtless and in his sweats. I have to admit he was attractive, but I'm not interested.

"Morning." He greeted me with a smile and handed me a plate with French toast and bacon.

"Wow. Impressive." I smirk at him.

"Yeah I cook every now and then." He smiled shyly.

I took a bite of the French toast, it was pretty good but I wanted to psych him out so I pretended to gag. He gave me a look, he looked hurt.

"I'm kidding. It's delicious." I smile at him. I notice that Genesis was sleeping on the couch as well.

"Aw, she joined you?" I say while chewing on bacon.

"Yeah. She's adorable." He blushed while he said it.

"She looks just like you." I say staring right at him.

"I know, it's freaky that someone could look so much like me."

I heard Genesis yawn and Jack and I both looked at her.

"Morning sleepy head." Jack smiles at her. He must really love her. "I made your favorite." As soon as she saw the French toast she hopped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. She jumped in Jack's arms. I felt a little bit of jealously rush over me. I'm used to it just being me and Genesis. Not me Genesis and Jack.

"Guess where we're going today?" I say trying to get Genesis's attention.

"Where mommy?" She smiled at me.

"The carnival! With rides, games and toys!" I say the most innocent way ever.

"Really? Yay!" She starts jumping in her seat. After we ate Jack left because he had a gig with his friends or something. I forgot that he was Vine famous or whatever it's called. I haven't really been up to date with technology lately.

My phone rang, it was Sam. I haven't talked to him since last night when he was drunk.

"Hello?" I say while sighing loudly.

"Hey I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I was too drunk and high...but when I saw Genesis it made me feel like an ass. I didn't even know she was there." He said full of guilt.

"Sam. It's fine seriously. She doesn't even remember a thing that happened. But you shouldn't apologize for having fun, you're 18 live it up." I giggle the last part.

"Are you sure it's fine? You don't hate me right?" He asked all worried.

I chuckled, "I don't hate you Sammy."

"Okay good. You're coming to the amusement park later right?"

"Yeah Genesis and I are both going."

"Great. I'll see you later." I could tell he was smiling on the other end.

"Bye." I giggle and hang up.

The day went by fast. I went shopping and paid the bills. Now it's time to meet the guys at the carnival in town.

Once we got there, Genesis just could not wait. She was so happy about finally having a dad in her life. We both walked over to the entrance and waited for the guys to arrive.

"Hey Lacey." I turn around and see Johnson. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I need to talk to you." He walked closer to me.

"I don't want to talk to you. You threw a party when you knew Genesis was there." I whisper loudly so she couldn't really hear.

He took a deep breathe, "Look, that party has been planned for like a week."

"Haven't you ever heard of cancellation?" I snap back at him.

"I tried honestly. But a bunch of people I didn't even know were showing up and they just wouldn't leave."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

The rest of the guys showed up and I greeted them with a hug. As soon as Gilinsky showed up Genesis went crazy. And he found it absolutely adorable.

"Hey." I felt someone grab me from behind. I turn around and see Sam smiling down at me.

"Hey Sammy." I hug him.

"Let's ride the Ferris wheel." He grabbed onto my arm softly.

"But I need to watch Genesis." I stop him.

"Her dad has her." He said back with a smirk.

"How did you know that Gilinsky was her dad?" I whisper to him quietly.

"We've known since we first met you. I mean, she looks just like him it wasn't so hard to guess." I nodded in agreement.

"I bet I can shoot more bottles than you." I say while winking at him playfully.

"Yeah okay." He said sarcastically and we both ran off to the little games. He won me a small teddy bear and 4 foot one. Is it crazy to say that I'm catching feelings for him?

"Okay. Now I gotta get a ride on the ferris wheel with you." He said grabbing my hand.

We went on the ride and once it started spinning it was silent. But it wasn't awkward. He looked at me and smiled and I looked back at him and smile. I felt him grab onto my hand and squeeze it. Without any hesitation he kissed me. This time I felt sparks all over my body.

"I really like you Lacey." He whispered to me as we pulled away.

"I really like you too Sam." I smiled at him. Once the ride was over he both walked hand in hand to meet up with the other guys.

Once we saw them, Genesis was on Gilinsky's shoulders. Once he saw our hands he got a jealous look on his face.

"We have to go, Genesis it's your bed time." I say to break the awkward silence. "What did you get her to eat Gilinsky?"

"Whatever she wanted." He shrugged.

"Which was?"

"Cotton candy and a doughboy."

"You got her both? That's way too much sugar." I say sternly.

"C'mon lighten up." He said to me.

"Yeah mommy lighten up." She mimicked him. I rolled my eyes.

"She wants to get ice cream from Coldstones." Gilinsky assured me.

"She already consumed enough sugar. Come on Genesis we need to go home." I say sternly.

"No mommy I want to stay with daddy." I felt the jealously rush over me again. I thought about the conversation I had with Gilinsky earlier. I can't always think about myself.

"Fine." I say with a fake smile.

Parenting was harder than I thought. Jack and I are completely different. He spoils her and gets her whatever she asks for. Me on the other hand is strict and has to 'lighten up'. Do I? Or am I just doing the right thing? I don't know what to do anymore.

Baby Come Back {Jack Gilinsky}Where stories live. Discover now