I Love You

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"Jack...Jack stop." I say while he kisses me uncontrollably.
"Jack we have to stop." I push him off me.
"What's wrong?" He said while grabbing his shirt off the front seat.
"This was a mistake." I say while putting on my clothes, "I can't believe I let you trick me into it again." I felt anger rise in me.
"Lacey what are you talking about?"
I felt tears fall down my face, "You don't really love me. You just wanted to get in my pants, like when we were 16. You used me again and it's my fault. I'm so stupid." I wipe my tears and open the car door.
"Lacey!" He yelled after me.
It started to downpour. "LACEY! WAIT!"
I felt him grab my arm.
"Let me GO JACK!" I scream while I get drenched in rain.
"I'm not letting go of you like I did before!" He said while shaking me by my shoulders.
"Don't lie to me Jack." I say while trembling.
"I'm not lying Lacey. I love you. And I'll never stop. It took me a while to realize but now I'm certain and I'm in love with you Lacey." I started to cry uncontrollably.
"Please say you love me back." He practically yelled because of the rain.
I couldn't stop crying, "I don't know!" I say.
"I wasn't using you. I'm not the same douchebag I was 2 years ago, you have to trust me." I looked into his eyes.
I didn't say anything. All my emotions were balled up inside of me. And at that moment it all came out.
I jump in Jack's arms and kissed him passionately.
I wrapped my legs and arms around him and didn't let go.
This was awkward to do on the curb of CVS but I honestly didn't care.
"I love you too." I say through each kiss.
We get to Jack's house drenched. Genesis was sound asleep while sitting next to Johnson.
"What happened to you two?!" He whispered loudly.
"Long story." Gilinsky said while holding onto my hand.
"I see the holding of hands. So are you two a thing?" He winked.
"I guess." I say while blushing.
"I'll get you some dry clothes." Gilinsky said. He ran up the stares and I followed behind him.
"Do you think this is too big?" He asked while putting one of his t-shirts in front of me.
"It's fine. It'll be like a dress." I giggle.
"You're so adorable." He said while pecking my lips. I felt my phone vibrate and look down and see Sam calling me. I felt my heart start to pound.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked and look down at my phone. He rolled his eyes and declined the call. "Ignore him babe."
"It's hard not to." I mumble.
"Nothing. I'm tired. Goodnight." I walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Gilinsky followed me.
"To the guest room?" I tell him with a confused look.
"You could just stay with me." "Oh okay."
I woke up in Jack's arms.
"Goodmorning beautiful." I felt him kiss my cheek.
For the first time in a long time I felt happy. I never thought Jack would ever make me so happy, I guess I truly did love him.

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