Part 17

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Natalie's POV 

¨Your mom isn't dead.¨ my dad said 

¨You're lying. The day I was supposed to be out of the hospital Jared told me that my mom was dead because you guys got into a car accident.¨ I told him. 

¨Yes, your step mom is dead.¨ he said. 

¨What are you talking about?¨ I asked getting out of Jared's grasp and looking at my dad. 

¨I told you I met your mother in college and I did. I had an affair two years into our marriage. Your mom found out about it because her best friend was my ex lover's friend also. I cut the relationship off but it was too late. She was already pregnant. Your biological mom's name is Maria, she is 34 years old, has beautiful brown eyes just like you and has 2 other kids. After your mom died, I got in touch with Maria and asked her if she wanted to meet you. Your mom gave you to me and Stacey. She told me not to tell you until it was time to. She would love to meet you.¨ my dad said. 

¨You're lying. Stacey is my mom. Not Maria.¨ I said. 

¨I'm sorry to say this but you might want to listen to your dad.¨ A different voice said. I looked around until I saw a woman in her early 30s behind me. What is with people and sneaking behind me today? I asked myself. 

¨Who are you?¨ I asked, regretting that question instantly. I knew who she was, she was my so called ¨mother¨ 

¨I'm Maria. I'm your biological mom. I gave you up on the day you were born, you were so beautiful and you still are very beautiful. I knew that if I didn't give you up, you wouldn't get the life you need. So I gave you to your dad and Stacey. Stacey always wanted a child but she couldn't. Your dad and her tried to have kids but every time she got pregnant she miscarried. So your dad asked me on the day you were born if you could live with them, I was an unfit mother at the time. But now I have two beautiful boys that are at home right now and with the twins  on the way I could really use your help.¨ She said. I couldn't say no. I don't know what it was but something drew me to her, it's like I had known her all my life. 

¨Okay, I'll come visit you as often as I can.¨ I said smiling. I knew what my dad said was true even though I didn't want to believe it I always noticed that I didn't have the same connection with my mom as I did with my dad. 

¨Great, and who is this young man with you?¨ she asked looking over at Jared, her smile fading immediately. 

¨This is my boyfriend Jared.¨ I said placing my hand in his. Maria finally smiled after a couple moments. 

¨It's a pleasure to meet you Jared. How long have you been with my daughter?¨ she asked him. 

¨I asked her to be my girlfriend less than 24 hours ago but she has always been the one the I wanted to be with.¨ he said looking at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek while Izzy said awww in the background. 

¨What are your plans with my daughter?¨ Maria asked. 

¨I plan to marry your daughter and start a family, of course when she's ready. No disrespect, but you didn't step into Natalie's life until now yet you already seem to want to call the shots yet I've known her her whole life.¨ Jared said. I looked at him in aww as my mom, I mean Maria, glared at him. 

¨Yes, you're right. I gave up Natalie because I was an unfit mother and I know I have made mistakes but I'm trying to fix them and give my daughter the life she deserves.¨ Maria said as she rested her hands on her stomach. I could feel the tension already. Oh, this isn't going to be good, I thought to myself. 

¨So how far along are you?¨ I asked Maria to get everyone's mind off of me and Jared.

¨I am 7 months pregnant.¨ she said. 

¨Do you know the genders yet?¨ my dad asked. 

¨One boy and another girl.¨ Maria said smiling. 

¨It must be nice to have a family.¨ I said. 

¨Yes, it is very difficult at times. Your brothers have been excited to meet you. There's Jose. He's 16 and he is a sophomore but he's such a sweetheart. He's always on good behavior and is in sports but still managing to get that 3.0. While your other brother Jesse is a bit of a handful. He's 14 and a freshman, he also can't wait to meet you. And then these two little ones are Alexa and Juan. I can't wait to meet them.¨ she said. 

¨Is the dad involved?¨ Jared asked. 

¨Yes, he is. He's at home with the kids, speaking of, I should probably be getting home, my husband doesn't like me driving home too late.¨ she said. 

¨I hope you have a good night. Tell the boys I said hi.¨ I said. 

¨Will do. Jared, take care of my daughter.¨ She said smiling over at us. She walked over to her car and drove off. Well that was interesting, I thought. I smiled and grabbed my purse from the front seat when I felt someone tap me. 

¨I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.¨ my dad said. 

¨Yeah well I guess it worked out.¨ I said as I closed the door. I pushed by him and followed after Jared and Izzy. 

¨Natalie. Wait.¨ my dad yelled. 

¨No, just go away.¨ I said, I left him standing there and immediately felt bad. He may not have told me about my mom but he is still my dad. I turned around to see if he was still there but he was gone. 

So Natalie's mom isn't actually her mom. What do you think? Do you think her dad should've told her sooner or do you think that it was the perfect time? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to comment and vote below. Part 18 will be out soon. Thanks for reading. 

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