Part 6

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Jared POV 

I walked up to Natalie's room and she opened the door wider so I could get in. I had to sneak by her parents because if they knew I was coming to see Natalie they would throw a fit.   I walked in the room beside her. I put the gift and the roses down on the table that was next to her and gave her a hug. I did not want to let her go but I had to eventually. Having her in my arms felt really good. Stop it, Jared. You can't feel this way about her. She's 17 and your best friend's daughter. I can't help it , she's so beautifulShe  put her arms around my neck and put her head on my shoulder. I love this feeling. A couple seconds later, she let go of me and sat down on the bed. 

¨These are for you. ¨ I said giving her the roses and the gift. She grabbed them and smelt the roses. 

¨Thank you Jared.,¨ she said. 

¨Oh and you can open the gift, ¨ I said. She put the roses down and grabbed the box. When I saw her open it, she put her hands over her mouth in shock. I knew it was a lot. I just want to spoil her. And so I do. I don't care what the price is. 

¨Jared... no. This is a ring?¨ she asked. 

¨Don't worry it's nothing serious. It's just a birthday gift with your name on it.¨ I asked her back. 

¨Well, I love it, thank you, ¨ she said smiling.  She took the ring out of it's case and looked down. 

¨May I?¨ I said, pointing to the ring. She gave me the ring and I gently took her hand in mine and put it on. One day I want this to be a real ring, I thought to myself. In 5 years I see myself with her, married and with a family but of course when she's ready.  The ring I bought her had her name engraved on it. When she saw the necklace and the earrings, she gasped again. Now, those are my favorite part. I have been wanting to get her real diamonds since forever. When I looked at those, I knew they were the ones for her. 

¨What's wrong?¨ I asked, knowing that nothing was wrong, she was just shocked. 

¨How much did you spend on everything? Be honest. I know you love spoiling me so just be honest. ¨ she asked, I had a feeling she would ask that. She does not like receiving gifts that are too much for her. She has always been like that. She is never stingy and she shares with everyone even if she does not know them. 

¨On everything, including the dress?¨ I asked. I had to lie, that dress was expensive, it was $650 but I could not tell her that. The earrings and the necklace were $1500. The ring was only $850.  

¨Yes, including the dress.¨ she said. 

¨About $2000 ¨ I responded back to her quickly. I think she knew I was lying but did not say a word about it. 

¨Jared, I can't accept this. You do not have to spend that much on me.¨ she said, I noticed she was about to cry, so I wiped the tear that was threatening to fall. 

¨No, it is your birthday and you're right. I don't have to. But I want to, you are so worth it.¨ I said. 

¨Thank you so much, Jared.¨ she said as she smiled at me. 

¨You are so welcome, baby.¨ I said back to her. I saw her eyes light up as I said that. Yes, I know I called her baby but I just I become a different person when I am with her. She makes me happy. She leaned over and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her shoulder while she messed with the zipper on my jacket. She has always been like that. It is a comfort thing for her. After a couple more seconds she let me go. Man, I could have stayed like that with her forever. 

¨I was enjoying that hug.¨ I said. I saw her cheeks start to get red. 

¨Me too.¨ she said. She covered her mouth as she noticed what she said. She was going to say something but I stopped her. 

¨It is okay to be honest, Natalie.¨ I said to her. 

¨True. So where is Izzy?" she asked. 

¨She's with her mom, they're doing some last minute shopping,¨ I said. 

¨Oh? Last minute shopping for what?¨ she  asked.

¨Jacky is moving out. We just filed for divorce. She is moving into her new house later on today.¨ I  said. 

¨That's good, do you have a picture of what it looks like?¨ she asked, hoping it didn't seem weird.

¨Yes, of course. Jacky never stops sending me pictures of new ideas for houses.¨ I  said as I rolled my eyes. 

¨Maybe you can stay with me and Izzy tonight?¨ I said after a bit. 

¨I'll ask my parents.¨ she  said.

¨Good, anyways, yeah I didn't like Becky, she was so rude.¨ I  said.

¨I hated her,¨ She said . 

¨Oh really? Why?¨ I asked with a grin on my  face.

¨She's just messed up, like you said.¨ she said. 

¨True, true,¨ I  said.

¨Yeah, I mean you would know. You were the one who married her.¨  she said.

¨Moment of weakness.¨I replied.

¨I totally get that. Oh, and before I forget to ask, what is tonight?¨ She asked, probably hoping that I would tell her.  But of course, I won't tell her. I don't want to ruin the surprise 

So this is new and improved part 6. I'm going through every chapter and seeing what I can add and what I can delete. The story is far from over, so please stay and enjoy the read. Comment and vote when you get a chance. It would mean a lot to me.  Please share if you can. Thank you guys. I have done a lot of editing to the storyline. I have gotten a lot of comments to how I should change how Natalie reacts to Jared and vice versa. So please read and comment on the new story changes. 

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