Part 29

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Jared's POV 

I really don't want to talk to Jackie but I have to. She has ruined my life, my relationships, my trust, everything you can possibly think of. I regret marrying her, she is like a witch except prettier and I don't even know why I'm calling her pretty when her attitude suggests otherwise.

Natalie is right though, she told me that I can't run away from my problems and I just need to face them, she is right. If I don't face my problems they can get worse and if they get worse my family is at even more risk. 

I would say that I should go to the safe house but I'm done running away from my problems. Jackie doesn't get to control my life. She has always tried to control everything. From our kids to my job to who I'm friends with. 

Natalie isn't like that. She cares about everyone else before she cares about herself. Sometimes I wonder if she ever does think of herself. Maybe she does but keeps her feelings to herself. I don't know though, maybe I will ask her one day. Natalie is going to be a great mother, I can already feel it and I also know that she will spoil our baby but so will I. I have always been the type to spoil. Even when Natalie does get pregnant I will still love her the same, I'm just scared. I don't know what to do if Natalie were to lose the baby or lose her during labor. I shouldn't be thinking those thoughts. Natalie isn't pregnant and she won't die while giving birth to our baby. That's just the fear talking. 

¨So have you guys figured anything out yet for the baby?¨ I asked Izzy and Jeremiah. 

¨We have talked about it before.¨ Izzy said. 

¨Well have you thought of names?¨ I asked. 

¨We talked about names. For the girl it'll be Savannah Edwards, for the boy it'll be Thomas Edwards. But we really don't know, I'm only a month along.¨ Izzy said. 

¨What about you Jeremiah? What are your plans for the baby?¨ I asked. 

¨I have a job right now and they pay $17 an hour. So until the baby is born I am going to be working all week for 5-6 hours. I already have $4000 saved and I know Izzy has about $8000 saved so by the time the baby comes we should have everything we need and more. Once we get the amount of money we did I plan on buying a 5 bedroom house. One for me and Izzy to share, the nursery and if we have other kids I would like them to have different rooms instead of the same one. I want to spoil the baby whether it is a boy or a girl. I plan on spoiling Izzy too." Jeremiah says. 

¨That's a good plan. You plan on marrying my daughter right?¨ I asked. 

¨Yes, I plan to marry your daughter once our son or daughter is 1-3 years old. We have always wanted our children to be in our wedding. I love your daughter, so much and I would never hurt her. She is the light of my life and if I ever lost her I'd be scared.¨ he replied 

¨Good and Izzy, are you ready to be married?¨ I asked. 

¨No but I know that even if things don't go as planned we can always change those plans.¨ Izzy said. 

I nodded my head at both of them and paid attention to the road, I looked over to see that Natalie was almost falling asleep. I put my hand on her stomach and rubbed it. Ever since she was a baby, that always made her fall asleep no matter how old she got. I'm glad that has not changed. 

Ring! Ring! 

I answer the phone through my car and put the phone back in the cupholder. 

¨Who is it?¨ I ask. 

¨It's Jackie. Where are you?¨ She asked. 

¨I'm heading home. I was going to call you to see if you wanted to talk but you already called me.¨ I told her. 

¨Oh what do you want to talk about?¨ Jackie asked. 

¨I want you to leave my family alone.¨ I said. 

Part 29 is now out!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Part 30 will be out soon. Please comment and vote 

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