Part 21

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Izzy's POV 

I was in my room with my boyfriend when I heard moans from accross the house. 

¨Are they doing what I think they're doing?¨ Jeremiah asks me. 

¨Uhh yeah I think they are. Finally. My dad needed that.¨ I said. 

¨Honestly so do I.¨ he replied. I saw him lick his lips and lean in for a kiss. I put my finger in front of his lips because he could kiss me. 

¨Not now. Keep it in your pants.¨ I said laughing. He smiled back at me and  grabbed my hand. 

¨I love you.¨ he said. I looked at him in his eyes and saw them tear up. That was the first time he has ever said that to me. 

¨I love you too.¨ I said, he looked back at me and smiled then kissed me. 

¨So how are classes going?¨ he asked me. 

¨They're going. I have all A's right now but I'm sure my grades are gonna fall.¨ I said. 

¨I doubt it, last semester, you had all A's too, you're a natural. Just be confident like you are in bed.¨ he said. My eyes grew wide as he said that. I hit him on the arm causing him to say oww. 

¨Did you just hit me?¨ he asked about to laugh. 

¨Yes I did, you can't say that.¨ I said laughing. I leaned my head against his chest and just smiled. 

¨Yes I can, you're my girlfriend and it's true. You are great in bed. We should have sex more often.¨ he says. 

¨I would but I don't want to be a teen mom even if we do use protection. Condoms do break.¨ I said. 

¨We should go raw.¨ he said, I glanced at him and saw he was already smirking at me. 

¨I could get pregnant. I'm not on birth control.¨ I said. 

¨Even if you do get pregnant I will be here with you every step of the way, I will never leave you and that's a promise. Plus we've never had sex raw, I want to see what it feels like.¨ he said. 

¨Yeah and I get that, what would my dad say though? If he ever found out that I'm pregnant he will kill you first and then me.¨ I said. 

¨Come on Izzy, your dad loves me. I know it's very early to be talking about having a family but I can't help it, I really want that with you. I understand if it's too early but can you think about it at least?¨ he asked. 

¨Yes of course I will think about it, since that's the case if I get pregnant are you willing to marry me?¨ I asked. 

¨Of course. I've wanted to marry you since we were 16. And I know your dad will want us to get married if I were to get you pregnant.¨ he said. 

¨This is crazy, I love you Jeremiah but if you really want kids then we can try. But just know it's your funeral.¨ I said. 

Jared's POV 

I was looking at my angel as she slept when I heard laughing from down the hall. I got up out of my bed and walked over to Izzy's room. 

¨If my dad ever found out you were pregnant he would kill you and then me.¨ I heard my daughter say. My daughter is 17 but she will be 18 soon and if she wants kids I'm all for that, me and Natalie will watch  him or her when she goes to school so she can finish her education or I'll hire the best nanny to watch her son or daughter. If Jeremiah can take care of Izzy and their baby and ask for Izzy's hand in marriage then that means I'll have all the privacy with Natalie which is what I want but my daughter is so responsible so if she wants to try and have kids then it's up to her. I know that makes me pretty crazy but I mean I was 17 when I had my first kid. I walked back to my room and saw Natalie sleeping.

¨Hey wake up.¨ I said. She immediately woke up and smiled at me. 

¨What is it?¨ she said. 

¨Jeremiah and Izzy are talking about getting married and having kids.¨ I told her. I saw her eyes get wide as a smile spread across her face. 

¨That's amazing. They've been talking about that ever since junior year.¨ Natalie said. 

Part 21 is now out!! So what do you think about Jeremiah and Izzy planning on getting married and having kids?? Tell me what you think!! Vote and comment below. 

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