Part 22

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Natalie's POV 

When Jared told me that Izzy was planning to have a baby with Jeremiah I immediately felt jealous. I want to have a baby. I have always wanted to be a mother, I love kids and I am really good with them. Every time I'm around my cousin she always follows me around no matter where I go. Anyways my point is that I want to have a baby but I don't want to get behind in school. I guess I could talk to Jared about it and see what he says. 

¨Hey Jared.¨ I said, I got up and straddled him, looking into his eyes. 

¨Yeah what is it, my love?¨ he asked. 

¨I want a baby. I know I'm only a junior but I'm sure I can keep up with all my schoolwork and I know that you will be a good dad. If we have to get a nanny then I am good with that, I just think that we will work anything out. And we can have our kids at our wedding.¨ I said, he looked at me and smiled. 

¨Are you sure? I mean you're 17 still. What would people say?¨ he asked. 

¨You're a lawyer Jared, we can be together.¨ I said. 

¨Well, there is something I want to tell you.¨ he said. 

¨What is it?¨ I asked. 

¨We were supposed to have an arranged marriage.¨ he said. 

¨Wait what?¨ I asked. 

¨When you were born your dad was making a business deal with a company, you were supposed to marry someone else but they decided it should be me, someone who you really know.¨ he said. 

¨So wait, if I'm getting this right, I'm supposed to be your wife right now.¨ I said 

¨Yes you are.¨ he said. 

¨Wow, not only did my dad keep the secret about my birth mother but he also kept the secret about us having to have an arranged marriage.¨ I said. 

¨I know it must be upsetting but we can always wait to get engaged,  I mean if you want our kids at our wedding then we can wait to get engaged.¨ he said. 

¨Yeah or we can just get engaged now, I mean it wouldn't be so bad.¨ I said. 

¨I am so glad you said that, I need to get something real quick.¨ he said, I looked at him questioningly while he walked over to his closet. 

¨What are you looking for?¨ I asked him 

¨You'll see, close your eyes.¨ he said. 

I closed my eyes and heard a loud noise. 

¨You can open them now.¨ He said, he was on the floor with a tiffany box in his hand. 

¨Jared¨ I said. 

¨Natalie. I know we just got together as boyfriend and girlfriend but I've known you your whole life. When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. Now I want to take our relationship to the next level. You make me so happy and I love you so so so much. The thought of not being with you scares me and I can't imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I just want you to know that you are my sunshine in a storm. You are my smile when I feel like crying. You are my laugh when I don't even feel like smiling. You are joy when I'm not even happy. You are my everything and I am so glad I am with someone as beautiful and as strong as you. I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress and see you pregnant with our child. I can't wait to see our kids turn into someone as beautiful as you. Everyday I ask myself  how I got so lucky to have someone like you in my life and the answer is I don't know. All I know is that I want to marry you. I want to marry all of you. I want to marry your perfections and your imperfections, I want to marry you for who you are. I love you so much Natalie. Will you marry me?¨ he asked with tears in his eyes. 

¨Of course I will.¨ I said. He smiled and took the ring out of the box and put it on my ring finger. 

¨I love you Jared and I always will.¨ I said again. I looked at the ring and admired it, it was so beautiful, I can't believe it. 

Engagement Ring 

Part 22 is now out!! I hope you guys have enjoyed the last few chapters, the book is not over yet so for all of my fans out there, another book is coming

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Part 22 is now out!! I hope you guys have enjoyed the last few chapters, the book is not over yet so for all of my fans out there, another book is coming. So please tell me what you think!! Should the next book be about their kids or them? What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Comment and vote below!!! 

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