Part 30

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Jackie's POV 

¨I want you to leave my family alone.¨ Jared said. 

¨I can't do that.¨ I said. 

¨And why not?¨ Jared asked. 

¨Because I'm dying.¨ I said 

¨You're lying.¨ he said. 

¨No I'm not. I have cancer. The doctors say I only have a few days left. I just want to say goodbye to Izzy.¨ I said. I was trying to hurt him for hurting me but I'm dying now and I don't have long to live. Getting revenge is the last thing I want to do right now.

¨Fine, come over tomorrow, but if you do anything stupid I will kick you out and you will never see Izzy again.¨ he said

¨Okay I won't do anything. I just want to get a chance to say goodbye.¨ I said and I was being serious. I only got released from jail because of this, though I do have a trial coming up but I'm not sure that I'll make it until then. 

Natalie's POV 

¨Izzy did you hear any of that?¨ I asked. 

¨Oh yeah. I heard it, I mean I wish I didn't but yeah I heard what my mom said.¨ she replied, she did not sound too happy. 

¨Jeremiah will be with you though, right Jeremiah?¨ I asked looking back at him. 

¨Yeah of course, she's carrying my baby and with Jackie's history I'm not risking it.¨ Jeremiah said putting his hand on Izzy's stomach. 

¨Good I don't exactly trust Jackie either.¨ Jared said. 

¨We will all be okay, don't worry.¨ I said. 

¨How long until we get home?¨ Izzy asked. 

¨An hour.¨ said Jared. 

¨Geez.¨ I said. 

¨We'll be fine. Just take a nap.¨ Jared said 

¨Sounds good to us.¨ said Izzy and Jeremiah. 2 minutes later they were both sleeping. 

¨So when do you want to have our wedding?¨ Jared asked. 

¨I was thinking Christmas or New Years. What about you? ¨ I asked. 

¨I was thinking maybe Valentine's day or some time in the summer so we can have our wedding on the beach.¨ He said. 

¨Let's do it in the summer, I really want a beach wedding.¨ I said. 

¨How many people?¨ he asked. 

¨At least 300-500. What about you?¨ I asked 

¨400-700. Food? Drinks?¨ he asked. 

¨For food I'm not sure yet but for drinks, I want fruit punch,  capri suns, soda, apple cider. For the adults, I want beer and wine.¨ I said. 

¨I agree, I don't want too many alcoholic beverages though.¨ he said. 

¨Of course,  should we get a wedding planner?¨ I asked 

¨I think we can. But we should plan it first and then the wedding planner can like finalize everything.¨ Jared said. 

¨I would love to get a wedding planner.¨ I said. 

¨Wedding planner it is.¨ Jared replied. 

¨Do you want us to do the traditional vows or make our own?¨ I asked him

¨I would really love to do traditional vows but we can do both. Honeymoon ideas?¨ Jared asked. 

¨ Yes, Hawaii, Lake Tahoe, Disneyland, Colorado. What about you?  Do you have any ideas?¨ I asked. 

¨I would really like to see the snow with you but I would really like to go to Disneyland.¨ Jared said. 

¨How long do you want to wait to get married?¨ I asked. 

¨Well if we were to have kids soon  I would want to wait but at the same time I would love to marry you now. I can't wait for the day that I get to call you mine forever. You make me that happiest man alive and I can't wait to marry you and start a little family. I hope we have girls because they will remind me of you.¨ he said. 

¨Aww Jared, I hope we have both and I can't wait to have a little mini us running around the house, I just can't wait. I want to be with you, no one else, you are my future. You are my everything, I hope you know that. Nothing will come between us, not even Jackie. You make me really happy and my love for you grows everyday, I know that things won't be easy but I'm willing to take that chance for you and no one else. I hope you know that. I love you.¨ I said. 

Part 30 is now out!!! I can't believe I have gotten this far, it has been a fun and entertaining ride. Thank you to everyone who is reading my book and for those of you who are can you consider sharing this book. I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter will skip some time, but I'll only be skipping the drive and when they get home. Part 31 will be the next morning 

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