Part 15

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Izzy's POV 

I am so happy for my dad and Natalie. They deserve to be happy. My dad has been hurt and heart broken for as long as I can remember. My mom and dad used to get along when I was younger but when I became a teenager things changed. They always got into arguments and I never told anyone this but when my dad was on his business trip for a year, my mom would get drunk and bring guys around the house who would hit me. It got so bad to the point where I ended up in the hospital. Natalie doesn't know this and neither does my brother. Not even my boyfriend knows. But now that my mom and dad aren't together I have a sense of peace. My mom wants me to live with her but I'm not so sure about that. She still drinks... a lot. And I don't know if I can trust her yet. The only reason why I went shopping with her in the first place was because I wanted to show my dad that nothing was wrong between us. Once he got back from his business trip he suspected that something was wrong since I was so distant from my mom. So in order to stop him from asking questions I had to pretend like me and my mom were on good terms. I am so glad that they are not together anymore. They're like water and oil. They don't mix well together. But Natalie and my dad, I already know that they will make a cute couple. I even think my dad is going to propose to her. I see the way he looks at her. He looks at her like he is his world. And I can't blame him. When my dad falls in love he falls hard. And Natalie is just an example of that. I feel bad for Natalie though. She lost her mom in a car accident. And her dad doesn't even want her anymore. He's always drinking and bringing random women to his house. He even trashed Natalie's bedroom. I don't know how a parent could do that to their kid. When I have kids, which is not going to be any time soon I am going to spoil them and show them that I love them while also making sure that they get the right punishment. Some parents go overboard with their punishments and I get it. I know that I don't have any kids but some parents are afraid to let their little boy or little girl go so they restrict them from doing certain things. My dad was never like that with me. He let me make my own choices and I learned  something from that. I never made intense decisions to the point where I ended up being hurt. I just feel like Natalie is going to make my dad so happy and I am glad that Natalie is the one that my dad is with. Yes, I admit that it is so hard having my best friend be my step mom but I mean I'd rather have her than my witch of a mom who cheated on my dad with another guy, like who does that? Anyways enough of my ranting, all I'm really trying to say is that I'm really glad my dad found someone that he loves and she loves him. They really do make a cute couple. 

¨Izzy are you okay?¨ I hear Natalie say. 

¨Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how my best friend is going to be my step mom.¨ I said. 

¨Listen, I know it's not exactly a realistic thing to have your best friend basically be your parent but I love your dad. I really do. He makes me feel like a little kid again and I don't know what I would do without him.¨ Natalie said. 

¨Girl, you are totally smitten and in love with him.¨ I said.

¨Yeah I really am. I don't know when it happened but all I know is that I only think about my future with you and your dad, no one else can make me feel the way that your dad does. Like I said, I get it, it's not the most realistic thing and I even told your dad that I don't think it would be a good idea. I'm 17. Things could go wrong and you never know how they'll end.¨ She said. 

¨Listen, my dad loves you. I see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you. And you're right it is not the most realistic thing but I know that my dad really loves you and he's happy. My dad has never been this happy and it's because of you.¨ I told her. 

¨Thank you Izzy.¨ she said as she walked over to me. 

¨Natalie. Izzy.¨ my dad called 

¨We're on our way Jared.¨ Natalie said. Me and Natalie walked down the stairs and I saw my dad standing at the door in a suit.

My Best Friend's  DadWhere stories live. Discover now