Part 27

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Izzy's POV 

Maria's twins are so cute. I can't wait to be a mother. I haven't told Jeremiah yet but I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday when I had my annual checkup. I'm one month pregnant. And lately I've been so emotional. I eat more. My clothes don't really fit. And I'm tired more often. 

¨Hey Jeremiah. Can I talk to you?¨ I asked. 

¨Of course, what is it?¨ he asked me. 

¨Can we go somewhere private?¨ I asked. 

¨Yeah.¨ he said. We reached a private spot and I hugged him for a second. Once I let go I let out a breath. 

¨What I'm about to say next might change everything.¨ I said. 

¨It won't I promise, but you know you can tell me anything. Me and you are a team.¨ he said. 

¨I'm pregnant, I found out yesterday.¨ I said. 

¨Omg I'm going to be a dad?¨ He asked smiling at me. 

¨You are.¨ I said. 

¨How far along are you?¨ he asked. 

¨I'm a month pregnant.¨ I said. 

¨I can't believe that we're going to have a baby.¨ he said. 

¨Me neither but I am so excited. I wanted to tell you earlier but I needed to process it." I said. 

¨When are you going to tell your dad?¨ he asked me. 

¨We are going to tell my dad later today.¨ I said. 

¨Well we should get going because we still need to tell my parents.¨ he said. 

We walked back to the room and saw Maria sleeping. The twins were in their ¨cribs¨ and my dad and Natalie were talking. 

¨There you are, where have you guys been?¨ Natalie asked. 

¨We had to talk.¨ I said. 

¨Okay cool well we should get going.¨ Natalie said. 

¨Yeah let's go.¨ my dad said. We left the hospital and when we got home there was a note on the door. 

¨Dad, there's a note on the door.¨ I said. 

¨What note?¨ he asked. 

¨It's from mom.¨ I told him. 

¨Let me see it honey.¨ he said. I took the note off the door and handed the note to my dad. 

¨Here.¨ I said. My dad took the note and showed it to Natalie. 

To the Garcia family, 

I hope that you're happy. You and Natalie will pay for what you have done. That guy who almost raped Natalie is my ex husband who I left for you. I hope you know that I am out of jail and am going to get whatever I want which in this case is you. Watch your backs. 

¨What the hell Jackie?!! You guys, get inside the house.¨ my dad said.

¨Dad what happened?¨ I asked. 

¨Your mom threatened me and Natalie. She's trying to do something, we need to leave tonight.¨ my dad said. 

¨Jared come on.¨ Natalie said. 

¨Okay, we need to pack. Jeremiah call your parents. Tell them that you'll be staying with us for a while.¨ Jared said. 

¨Okay. Izzy go to your room with Jeremiah and get everything you need. We will be gone until this settles down.¨ my dad said. I left with Jeremiah and I heard Natalie and my dad behind us. 

Natalie's POV 

¨Jared come on.¨ I told him 

¨Let's go baby.¨ he said. We went up to our room and started packing. By the time we were done packing we went downstairs and locked the door. 

¨Where are we going dad?¨ Izzy asked. 

¨We're going to a safe house.¨ Jared said. 

¨What safe house?¨ Jeremiah asked. 

¨It's a safe house that's an hour from here.  It's invisible¨ Jared said. 

¨Doesn't mom know about it?¨ Izzy asked. 

¨No she doesn't.¨ Jared said. 

¨When are we going home?¨ I asked. 

¨When it's safe. I'm not putting any of us at risk. Jeremiah I know you might be wondering why you're with us and I will tell you why. Jackie knows that you are Izzy's boyfriend and you will be a target no matter where you go. So to keep you safe I decided to bring you here with us.¨ Jared said.

¨Well thank you sir for keeping me safe¨ Jeremiah said. 

¨Of course anytime, whether you know it or not, you are apart of this family.¨ Jared said. 

Part 27 is now out!!! Hope you enjoy, tell me what you think!! Comment and vote 

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