Part 14

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Natalie's POV 

¨Izzy what is wrong with you?¨ I asked. 

¨Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it. I'll let you two have some privacy.¨ she said as she left the room and winked. 

¨Is Izzy okay?¨ I asked Jared. 

¨Well, she wants me to ask you out.¨ Jared said. 

¨Oh really?¨ I asked. 

¨Yeah, she saw us together when we were sleeping and said something to me about it.¨ he said. 

¨That's nice,¨ I said sarcastically and  getting up 

¨Are you leaving?¨ Jared asked. 

¨Yeah, going to go check on Izzy.¨ I said. 

¨She's fine, don't go. Stay.¨ he said. 

¨I have to go check on her." I say leaving. I walk to Izzy's room and knock on her door. 

¨Who is it?¨ she asks. 

¨Natalie.¨ I say. She opens the door and when she sees me she smiles. 

¨So?¨ She asks. 

¨So what? No your dad did not ask me out. By the way, are you crazy? Why would you go and tell your dad to ask me out?¨ I asked her. 

¨He really likes you, and you guys would make a very cute couple.¨ Izzy said. 

¨He's 34, I'm 17.¨ I said. 

¨So what? I see it in his eyes. He could care less about what age you are. He literally looks at you like your his already and he doesn't want to let you go.¨ Izzy said. 

¨He does?" I asked, playing stupid. Me and Jared already talked about this but he never officially asked me  out. 

¨Yes, girl, he does. Anyone with eyes could see that you have him wrapped around your finger. He would do any and everything for you.¨ Izzy said. 

¨And what if he does ask me to be his girlfriend? Wouldn't it be weird that I'm your best friend and dating your dad?¨ I asked. 

¨I mean of course it would be weird at first. But I would rather see you guys both happy. I know I am crazy for not being upset over this but I can't be. My dad has been heart broken so many times in the past by my mom that he needs someone who he can trust and who will never hurt him. You're the type of girl that will make him happy,  plus at least you're not some random lady that I don't know.¨ Izzy said. 

¨Okay, yeah you're right.¨ I said. 

¨Yeah, so get back in that bedroom and go talk to him.¨ she said. 

¨Okay, okay.¨ I said walking out back to the bedroom. 

¨So, what was that all about?¨ Jared asked me. 

¨Just girl talk.¨ I said sitting down next to him. He moved away and got up. 

¨Oh.¨ he said. 

¨What's wrong?¨ I asked. 

¨I know you're 17 and I know you still have your life to live. Which is fine by me. I also know that I am 34 with 2 kids and that may come off as weird to you. Especially since my daughter is your best friend. But please don't push me away. You can talk to me. The last thing I want is for you to not trust me. Yeah, I know that I'm 17 years older than you but age is just a number. You lost your mom and your dad, even if your dad isn't dead, you still lost him. You need someone who you can trust,  that is there for you and will never leave you. I want to be that for you but you have to let me in. You have to trust me, we have to be honest with each other, which has always been easy for us. But relationships aren't supposed to be easy and as much as I want to say that I want this to be easy, I can't. Truth is that arguments are going to happen, we can't avoid them but they can make us stronger. So what do you say, will you be my girlfriend? ¨ Jared asked grabbing my hand. 

¨I say... yes.¨ I said. He grabbed my face with his hands and kissed me, I got up and put my arms around his neck kissing him back. 

¨Aww.¨ Izzy cooed. I heard Izzy and I backed away from Jared but he wouldn't let me. 

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