Part 9

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Continued from last part... 

¨We can watch movies and just hang out.¨ Jared said. 

¨Okay cool.¨"I replied 

¨Do you know where you are sleeping?¨ Jared asked. 

¨I will sleep in a spare room, I guess. ¨ I said. 

¨Okay,  so I will put your stuff in the spare room¨ he said. 

¨Want me to come with you?¨ I asked. 

¨Definitely,¨ he replied. 

¨Okay.¨ I said as I grabbed one bag and followed him. I have only been in his house once so I did not have much time to just look around. We reached a spare bedroom and I stood in the doorway shocked at how big it was. 

¨Natalie, you coming?¨ Jared asked as he smiled at me. Damn, that smile. I thought

¨Ye-yes. I am. This  room is just really big.¨ I said. 

¨Yeah I know,¨ he said. 

¨Yeah true.¨ I said. We set my stuff down and sat on the bed against the headboard. 

¨What type of movie do you want to watch?¨ he asked. 

¨Let's watch a scary movie.¨ I said. 

He chose the movie The Boy and the intro to it was really long but as soon as the actually movie. I didn't even realize that I snuggled up to him. I cleared my throat and sat back up straight. At times during the movie he would kiss my head or hold my hand. At one part I jumped and he hugged me. I told him it was okay, that he didn't have to do that, but he still held onto me. 

¨Jared?¨ I asked. When he heard me, he turned to me. 

¨Yeah, what is it, Natalie?¨ he asked. 

¨So about this morning, you said you loved me.¨ I said. 

¨Yes, yes I did. And I knew that you were not sleeping.¨ he said. 

¨Did you mean it?¨ I asked. 

¨Natalie, this is the one thing in my life that I am totally sure about. You. My life is a mess right now but you are the only thing that makes me sane. And yeah I know our age gap says a lot, but you know, age is just a number.  You always make me smile and laugh, whenever we are together. Your dad knows I have feelings for you, I think. And I am so sure your mom does too. With all the money I spend on you, I am sure they do. But you make my life better. You make me whole. You are my world. I would choose you over anything at any time. I wanted to tell you all of this when you turned 18 but if I were to do that, some other guy would probably have your heart. And I would not be able to handle that. I love you and only you. I want you to be the woman I wake up to in the morning. The one I go to sleep with at night. I never want to lose you.¨ he said while he wiped a tear from my eye. 

¨What are you saying Jared? What if my dad finds out? He's going to kill us both,¨ I asked, looking at him and grabbing his hand. 

¨I want to marry you. When you are ready. Even if that means I have to wait. Because for you, I can wait however long you need me to. ¨ he said. I couldn't say anything so instead I just kissed him. He kissed me back wrapping his arms around me. It was a long and passionate kiss. I pulled away gasping for air. 

¨Wow.¨ I said. 

¨Yeah wow.¨ he said agreeing. 

¨You should know I love you too. I have ever since my 15th birthday. You have always been there for me. My shoulder to cry on. My ¨best friend¨. My rock. I put all my trust in you. Yeah, I have parents and I love them but they cannot compare to you. Even when I needed a break from my family for a day you offered to take care of me. And that day at the mall with you and Izzy was amazing. I cannot put it into words how much I love you. If I ever lost you, I don't know what I would do because you have my heart, completely. I am yours. I am not afraid to tell you what I feel because I know that you will not break my heart, you have proven that time and time again. I have been in so-called relationships and every time they ended you were there to pick up the pieces. I cannot believe I am going to say this but here it is, I have always imagined being loved by you. Marrying you would mean the world to me, because it is a life commitment  of loving you. But if we do this and get together  we need to wait to my parents and Izzy, just for a couple months. ¨ I said. I looked up at him and saw that there were tears in his eyes. 

¨Are you crying?¨ I asked him. 

¨Yes, baby. I cannot explain how much that meant to me. You amaze me every time.¨ he said hugging me. 

¨You mean the world to me.¨ I said. 

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I know it was a bit romantic and it might have been a bit too early for them to proclaim their love for each other but trust me there is a point to me doing this. So please comment below and tell me what you think. Comment and Vote! Spread the word to other wattpad readers that there is a new book. I could really use the reads!!! Thank you! 

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