Part 20

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Natalie's POV 

We were in the nursery when I saw Izzy walk in with a worried look on her face. 

¨Izzy is something wrong?¨ I asked her. Jared looked up and looked at her, standing up. 

¨I have something to tell you guys.¨ she said. 

¨You can tell us anything, you know that right?¨ Jared asked. 

¨Yes of course. So here it is. Mom called me, she said that she would touch my savings account if I didn't help her with whatever plan she is coming up with. I'm going to make her think I'm helping her but really I'll just be telling you guys what she really says. I don't want to lose you guys but I also can't let my mom win. I'm not gonna let her ruin your guys' life.¨ Izzy said. 

¨That's a mouthful, but we understand. We'll stay under the radar and do whatever we can to not get on Jackie's bad side. You need to tell us everything she says, it is very important that you do. Me and Natalie will work something out, we will be here to protect you and I will make sure that your mom stays in jail.¨ Jared said. 

¨Of course, I just wanted to tell you guys' because I can't stand the thought of losing either of you.¨ Izzy said. 

¨We'll be fine, now go back to Jeremiah. You don't want to keep him waiting.¨ I said. 

¨Okay well see you guys later.¨ Izzy said walking out of the room. 

¨Can we go to your room?¨ I asked. 

¨You mean our room?¨ Jared asked. 

¨We just got together, do you really think that it's a good idea for us to share a room? We're not even engaged.¨ I said. 

¨I just want to have you in my arms, I want to feel your hand resting against my chest and I want you to hear how fast my heart beats whenever you're close to me.¨ Jared said. 

¨Okay okay. You are so charming, you know that?¨ I said. 

¨Yeah I do.¨ he said, he sat on the bad and I got in next to him. He put his arms around me and I snuggled in closer to him. I looked at the time on my phone and it was only 9:15, I thought  it was later but I guess not. 

¨Are you sleeping?¨ I asked. 

¨Yeah, I'm trying to, I have an early day tomorrow at work, but you can  come too if you want.¨ He said. 

¨Is that allowed?¨ I asked him. 

¨Of course it is. You know I am the boss of that company right?¨ he asked. 

¨Uhh no I did not know that. When did that happen?¨ I asked him. 

¨It happened a couple weeks ago. I got promoted and the guy who was the boss quit.¨ he said 

¨That's amazing, why didn't you tell me? We could have celebrated.¨ I said. 

¨You were in the hospital and you had just found out that your mom died, I didn't want to bother you with the news.¨ he said 

¨That was very sweet but I still would've wanted to know.¨ I said. 

¨Well when I get some very important news next time you will be the first person I tell.¨ he said. 

¨Good, so I have a question.¨ I said. 

¨What is it?¨ he asked. 

¨Where do you see yourself in 5 years?¨ I asked him. 

He sat up in the bed and glanced at me then smiled. 

¨In 5 years I see myself married to you and us having at least 2 kids. You in college with a good paying job and me still at work. I see us moved out of this house into a bigger one where we can spoil our kids(not too much) of course.¨ he said. 

Sexual Context Ahead 

¨Awww.¨ I replied. I looked at him and kissed him. I wanted to make it quick but he  deepened the kiss rolling us over to where he was on top, he kept his weight off me but still kissed me. I  went to his shirt and tried to take it off, he got up and looked at me. 

¨Are you sure you want to do this?¨ he asked. 

¨Yes of course.¨ I replied, he smiled at me and took his shirt off. I looked at him for a couple minutes until I realized what I was doing and looked away. 

¨Like what you see?¨ he asked. 

¨No not at all.¨ I said as I smirked. I took my shirt off, revealing my black lace bra. Jared looked me up and down. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me harder. I moaned into the kiss and he groaned. I felt something poking me on the leg and smiled. 

¨Someone's excited.¨ I said. I stopped the kiss and flipped us over so I was on top. I kissed his lips then his chest leading down to his jeans. I looked up at him and smirked. 

¨You don't have to do this Natalie.¨ he said. 

Skip sexual scene 

¨That was amazing.¨ he said. 

¨Yeah it was.¨ I said. 

¨Want to take a shower together?¨ he asked. 

¨Of course.¨ I said. We got up but when I did I felt an immediate pain between my legs and fell down. 

¨I guess I went too rough.¨ he said as he smirked. He picked me up and set me on the bed. 

¨Ya think. I'm hella sore now.¨ I said. 

¨That's to let you know that you're mine, don't you ever forget that princess.¨ he said. 

¨And you're mine.¨ I replied 

So part 20 is out!! What do you think? Should I have written the sex scene or should I have wrote it? Tell me what you think. Comment and vote below. Thanks for reading!! Thank you for all of those who have read the whole book and stayed with me from the beginning. And thank you for those of you who have commented, it has really made a change in my  writing. For all the new readers, thank you for supporting me on this journey. More chapters are gonna come out soon. Also the character list is updated so you can check that out if you want. 

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