Part 44

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Final chapter-Birth of the twins 

I was sitting down on the bed when I felt liquid pouring down my leg. I thought I peed myself but when I looked it was clear. 

"Jared." I yelled. 

"Yes what is it?" he asked. 

"I think my water broke." I said. 

"Your water broke?" he asked 

"That's what I just said." I yelled. 

"Okay okay, come on, let's get you to the hospital. he said. We got our bags and everything we needed and drove to the hospital. 

"My wife is pregnant, someone help us." Jared yelled. 

"How far are her contractions?" a doctor asked. 

"They're 1 to 2 minutes apart." Jared said. 

"Hurry and get her on the bed." another doctor said. They rushed me to a room and told me it was too late to get an epidural. 

"You're 9 centimeters dilated." the same doctor said. I leaned my head back and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. An hour later a doctor came in and checked me again. 

"You're 10 centimeters dilated. You're going to have to push." the doctor said. 

"You're okay baby. You can do this." Jared said. 

"1 2 3 push." The doctor said. 

"Again. I can see the head. One two three push." I immediately heard the sound of a baby crying and leaned my head back. 

"Baby number two. Push." The doctor said. 

"Keep pushing. I see the head." another doctor said. I pushed one more time and heard another cry.

30 minutes later I got to hold my babies and they were so cute. I have the best little family ever I thought. 

The end

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