Chapter 31

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A/N: Hii, this was really fun to write and a good pause from all the drama, i hope you like it. love you all, enjoy xxx

"Fuck Harry, stop it, you dick" I groaned in pain.

This fucking smart ass was driving in every single bump in the road and making my vagina feel like it was getting fucked raw all over again.

"It's not my fault" he laughed.

"Oh yeah, cause the car's just swerving into the potholes on its own" I snapped back.

"I guess it is" he glanced at me with that stupid smug smile.

Keep smiling Harry, go on, I'll slap it off.

"Owe!" I wined when he drove through another fucking pothole, grabbing the door and the middle console for support so my body didn't move too much.

I let go of the console and heard Harry chuckling to himself, so my hand accidentally slipped and hit his dick.

"So sorry, it's not my fault" I smiled when he groaned and glared at me.

When he told me this afternoon that I would be sore tonight, he wasn't exaggerating one bit.

His car was parked out the front in the middle of the street so I didn't think he was being serious but he was, when I climbed in, he basically jumped in after me and attacked my bloody face like I was a melting ice cream or something.

We were only in the back seat and I was on my back so I had nowhere to move and I think Harry wanted that, I think he was slamming into me the hardest he ever has and even when he flipped me over to ride him, he was knocking the air out of me every time, and don't even get me started on how red my ass is.

At least he took me straight to my house to get cleaned up and have a little nap before getting dressed for tonight, Harry left a bag at my house like I told him he could so we didn't have to go back to his place before heading off for the night.

He had already had a shower and got dressed before he woke me up, he was all kisses and sweet comments when he helped me out of bed, that was until he came into the bathroom to pee while I was in the shower and he scared the shit out of me, I nearly fell over because of my half functional legs and he started to fucking laugh, now he's just pissed me off since then.

Harry looked great tonight, as usual. He was in his normal black pants and a cream dress shirt that was half unbuttoned, we were actually kind of matching, I had cream jeans and a verylow-cut black shirt, my jeans were high wasted so the shirt cut down all the way to the top of the jeans, I was really putting a lot of faith in this shirt that I wasn't going to flash someone.

I was excited for tonight, Jack was working for half the night but Ash was coming early to see me and Dom was already there, Harry even said that Adrian comes down for the big parties, I was slightly concerned because now I knew about the shit that happens and the people that go to the club, but I was with Harry so I had no reason to worry.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, looking at me like he could read my mind, he always had a way of knowing when I was worried.

I had thought about it a little bit, but I was worried that something would happen tonight, considering everything that has happened the last times I've been there, I think I have a good reason to be slightly nervous.

"It feels like I'm being punched in the vagina, but sure, I'm alright"

Harry laughs at me and takes his hand off the wheel to rest on my thigh "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop. Seriously though, what's going on?"

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