Chapter 63

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Hi my loves! I've missed you (no surprise there)

I hope you like this chapter, we don't have many left until the end *sobs*



"Eva, wake up"

I just managed to fall asleep before I started to hear muffled calls of my name.

"Eva, please get up" Harry's needy voice floods my ears.

I just fucking fell asleep.

What does he want?

What the fuck is the light on?

With a groan, I roll over onto my side and pull the blanket over my face to cover the light and try to ignore him so he thinks I'm still asleep.

"Eva, wake the fuck up" he says, this time sounding more serious.

I let out an annoyed sigh but I stay on the side, my face still covered but I answer him.

"Fuck off, I just fell asleep"

I can hear him rummaging around and doing something in the room.

Why's he up with so much energy right now?

"I need you to get up"

I can tell he's trying to keep his voice down and I apricate it being low, but I'd prefer it completely shut up because I'm trying to sleep.

"Seriously Harry" I grunt "if it's another spider, just fucking step on it yourself, it won't hurt you, I'm not doing it for you again, I'm trying to sleep"

"It's not a spider, get up!"

His loud voice makes me shoot my eyes open.

Even though he has the bedroom light on, I can see outside the window and it's still dark out...what the hell is he doing?

Why the hell is he yelling at me?

Slowly I sit myself up and blink a few times to adjust to the bright light in here.

When my eyes adjust, I see him walking off into the closet, then I'm shocked awake when my eyes drop to the end of the bed.

All his weapons, gun, knives, and whatever else those things are with blades on them, they're all spread out of the bed

My eyes dart from him to the bed, trying to wake my brain up and focus.

What the hell is going on?

Is someone here?

What the fuck is happening?

"Is she fucking awake yet?" I hear another voice and flick my eyes down to Harry's phone that's on the bed and see Dom's name lit up on the screen.

A slight panic starts to run through my chest.

Why's he on the phone to Dom at.... What even is the time?

I reach forward grabbing Harry's phone and see it's just past three in the morning.

"Is she up?" Dom asks again while the phone is in my hand.

"Yes I'm awake" I croak and Harry sprints out of the closet when he hears my voice.

"Thank fuck" Dom sighs.

"Get up, put clothes on, we need to go" Harry says and that's all he says before he is turning around again and going back into the closet.

"What's going on?" I ask, dropping the phone and rubbing the palms of my hands over my eyes.

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