a superiority complex

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As Aisha leads her away, my eyes land upon Demetri

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As Aisha leads her away, my eyes land upon Demetri. The person that always seems to bring back the old me. The old me who've I've spent the past 6 months beating up and vigorously drowning. I'm not Eli anymore. Eli doesn't exist. Only Hawk. It's a way of life now. It's defines me. Since I flipped the script, I've gotten everything I wanted. I've had every girl I wanted. I've gotten popular, and given zero fucks about everyone in my path. Who's gonna stop me?

definitely not this little prick. Just as I'm about to let my anger get the best of me and I start to approach him, he bumps into her, and drops his books everywhere, after he sees my deathly gaze. I've never felt more anger pump through my body. I see her bend down and help him pick up his books, he smiles at her, and I can tell he's babbling on about some nerd shit...she just sands there..smiling...even her eyes are smiling. That's it. Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.

*time skips til after school*

I walk to the parking lot with my head down and my hands in my pockets until I get to my motorcycle. I see Miguel and the guys try catch up but I just need to see one person. I go ahead and hop on my bike and head to the dojo, and low and behold, there she is.

"Aisha!" I yell as I walk onto the mat. Then I realize I need to keep my cool a bit.

"Hey Hawk what's up? Did you ever pass that te-" I cut her off

"That girl you were talking to earlier, did you invite her to cobra kai? Did you get her number?" I ask in a hurried tone as I try and sound unbothered

"Who? Ash? Oh yeah of course I invited her...and yeah I have her number..why? oohhh Hawk do you have a crush? Whatever happened with you and Moon?" She asks and I almost flinch at the name. I'm not a flincher, Sensei taught me that. Man up Hawk.

"Enough with that, just striking first like Sensei taught us. That's all...no need to tell the guys, alright?" I say with my jaw clenched

"Whatever you say man..just don't make her your rebound girl, I actually really like her and-"


Here we go.

After school I arranged my locker, and added usually shelves and stuff to it

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After school I arranged my locker, and added usually shelves and stuff to it. I see Demtetri, the kid that ran into me walking out the door and I shoot him a smile. He's sweet, a nerdy sweet though. Then I decided I should probably head home, and drop my backpack and stuff off. So I hop on my bike and start riding around back to my apartment. I wonder if Robby's home. I want to explore the valley some more, maybe he knows some places. I knock on the door and he answers dressed in...I guess his work shirt.

"Oh, Ash? Hey what's up." He asks putting his hands in his kacky pockets.

I read his shirt, and it says "Larusso Auto Group" huh..

"Oh nothing much, honestly I was just looking for some places to could explore around here..but it seems like you're kind of busy..so I'll just head off on my own." I say turning away and beginning to walk down the hall

"Hold up! I am on my way to work, but if you want, my girlfriend Sam and I are going to this thing at a roller rink in town, it's 80's night..uh I could ask her if it's be ok for you to come and tag along..if you'd want?" He gestures ever so kindly.

"Uh, I really don't want to be a third wheel ya know but-" he interrupts me.

"You won't, trust me. Let me get your number real quick so I can message you the details since I'm a little late." He says smiling sincerely.

"Well, ok but only if it's chill with...Sam you said." I say and nod to him and walk back to my room.

Well..looks like I'm on my own for a while. Oh, I promised Aisha I'd look up her dojo...what was it..Cobra Kai? I grab my laptop and pull it up my search bar.

Cobra Kai Student Miguel Diaz Wins 50th All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament

Cobra Kai Student Gets Demolished By New All Valley Champion Daniel Larusso

Cobra Kai Register Today

are the first few headlines that pop up. Larusso..wasn't that where Robby worked? I click on the first link and...hey! It's that kid from school that Aisha was talking about...wow..they all look so cool. Damn. I check out the next link and see it's from awhile ago...the 80's actually. I scroll to the bottom and see a separate headline...

Dojo Feud Between Famous All Valley Karate Stars

I click on it and read

"Johnny Lawrence, defeated by  Daniel Larusso have opened rival dojos that have taken The Valley by storm. Cobra Kai, and Miyagi-Do are the hottest places to be right now."

Wow...Aisha wasn't kidding. Oh well, I'll finish my research later. I decide to go and explore with the rest of my free time. I head outside and hop my bike exploring the valley not really caring where I end up.

I pass a place called Golf n' Stuff that oooks super retro. Bad ass. I see billboards of Daniel Larusso's Auto Group, so that is the Miyagi-Do guy. After a liv time exploring about an hour before sunset I decide I need to find somewhere to get some water, I'm thirsty bro. I pull into a mini mart and...is that...Cobra Kai? I park in front of it and take my helmet off. You're kidding me right now, this has got to be fate. Screw the water. What's the worst that can happen. I open the door and the door bell jingles and I see heads turn and look me. Holy shit.

A/n: are you ready for some Ash and Hawk action?

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