the Xander Jones case.

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(This story switches time periods, this is your opportunity to see things from Xander's perspective and to get an inside view of certain things

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(This story switches time periods, this is your opportunity to see things from Xander's perspective and to get an inside view of certain things. This is your warning that I make inside thoughts a lot longer than they should be, for backstory purposes. enjoyyy!)

*the night of the incident*

I shouldn't have left her alone. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I even bring her here in the first place.

There comes a time that popsicles stolen from a gas station don't kill the pain anymore. Then the things you numb it with just keep getting stronger and stronger.

Ash is like my little sister. My family has always been a mess, little to no actual family, just a lot of random people I'm told to trust. I found Ash when she was 8. She was walking down the alley way that my brothers gang uses. Thankfully there was no one there at the time. I was 12. I saw this little broken girl running from the screaming in her home while being told everything in the world was sunshine and dandelions.

With me was the only place to chose to accept the fact that it wasn't. That life was hell. Everything didn't always work out in the end. Some may call that toxicity, I call it truth. Cause where we come from, truth is hard to come by.

Since I found her, I've made it my job to protect her. I'm at her beckon call. Sometimes I wish it wasn't me though. In my families line of work, I'm basically a walking ticket to prison, death, or a mix of both.

Lucy, was Ash's best childhood friend. She's a year older than Ash. We sort of have a thing. Not really...I'd rather not talk about it..

Carol, yes Carol, like the old lady. Is my cousin. She's a year younger than me. She's the only other person who truly feels like "family" who actually is my family. She's my 1st cousin on my moms side. My mom died when I was like 2. I don't remember her. At all. I thought it'd be good for Carol to have some female interaction so I introduced Ash and Lucy to her after we met. The clicked instantly. My dad, Lord knows where he is. My brothers and "brothers" raised me. Some of them my dad adopted or took into foster care. Then he just goes off randomly and leaves us to handle the business. How did they let him legally adopt kids? I have no fucking clue.

My adopted brother, Ma'leek, is here at this part with me right now. The one I brought the girls to. Currently, I lost Ash. Last time I checked, she was blacked out, on the couch I think...she took stuff, and it messed her up.. bad. I've searched all over downstairs area. I eyes glance towards up the stairs. I slowly make my way up.

God, please don't let me find her up here. God please no.

I open a few doors before making it to one last door. I stick my ear to it and I hear chants, and groans. What the..

I open the door.

"AYO LOOK! Xander came to get his little girlfriend." The guys all exclaim. My eyes fall on Ash, laying there, virtually lifeless.

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