make me get violent

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TW! Mentions of r@pe and s/h

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TW! Mentions of r@pe and s/h. I love you. Always know that. Whatever you're going through, it's not your fault, and it's all gonna be ok eventually. Stay strong.

It's 3 a.m and I'm on a roof.

It's been like a week since the whole party happened with Xander and Lucy and Carol. Xander was taken into to custody. Lucy was released on house arrest. I haven't seen Carol since. She's kinda been shut up in her house.

I still am in disbelief. My parents refused to get me a therapist even after it was strongly recommended by my doctor after he did the rape kit.

All of that night is a complete blur. That's what happens I guess when you mix drugs and alcohol. It was something totally different from what I was used to.,but I didn't exactly mind it..the events that came from it on the other hand..I just feel like it's my fault.

If I haven't taken those drugs, Xander wouldn't be in jail, for literal murder. Lucy would be free to do her shit. I don't understand what even happened, I can't testify because I wasn't coherent. I just...I feel like if I could I could make life so much easier I just..I don't know what to do.

I think to myself while overlooking the city lights. I hear the sirens roar throughout the south side of Atlanta as I take another swig of some alcohol I had left in my water bottle.

It helps me think. Well, not think, it does exactly what people tell you it does. It numbs things. Not in a healthy way but right now it's all I've got.

Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't even here, if I disappeared, if anyone would care. Especially now.

With Xander gone, Lucy on house arrest, Lord knows what's going on with Carol..

my parents act like I don't exist. They feed me and buy me clothes. The more it takes to look perfect the more they do. Even though when one isn't home they cheat on the other and yell about it in the other room because they both don't want to tell me. "

Would anyone even really notice?" I say out loud chucking the glass bottle off of the roof, causing it to shatter as it hits the side all below.

"Of course we'd notice." I hear a raspy female voice behind me, as she exhaled from her cigarette stick.

"Listen Ash, what happened a week ago was...horrific. Utter bullshit. I'm sorry that happened, I shouldn't have left you alone with those guys. What truly happened was...Xander left to go do a deal, and then to get with some girl. Lucy started to get physical with the girl cause she was on coke, and she was in with one of the local gangs and someone pulled a gun on her, and I jumped in, leaving you alone half passed out with some guys from Xander crowd...and when Xander came back and I said I left you alone..he went upstairs and found you..I think you can put the rest together.Cander dragged the guy out of the house, beat him to a pulp and shot him. Point blank. In the head. Xander was also high on God only knows what..soon after that he realized it was his brother. If there's anyone you're gonna blame, it's me. I'm the cause for all of the shit. I'm the worst of us all, the one who could care less about what happens to them. But just this once..nothing happened to me..but it happened to everyone I care about. And for that...I'll never forgive myself." Carol says leaning over the railing staring at the busted bottle on the ground.

"As for you...people would notice Ash. You're the light we all need most of the time. Stay that way. You'll change someone's life if you don't fall into ones trap." She says before she turns and begins to walk away.

"Carol wait-" I try and get we attention. But she gone. I wipe my tears and crawl down the fire escape to my window in my parents apartment.

who am I even.

who am I friend with.

what is my life.




I hear the voices bellow throughout the Cobra Kai dojo.

I'm standing in front of the strip mall, watching the concentrated eyes of the young faces, awaiting to brutally demolish their opponents.

Hawk is leading them, with Tory by his side.

With Miguel out, they really had to step up, and from the looks of it, they've done a pretty damn good job.

With Sensei Lawrence out as well, Sensei Kreese has really shaped the students up.

Well. Here goes nothing.

I press my hand on the door and I hear the bell jingles above my head.

I'm soon met with every pair of eyes in the room. A few gasps are heard. But Sensei Kreese looks at me with a confident and sly look on his face.

"Sorry I'm late." I say looking around, and catching Hawk eyes.

A few jaws are slightly agape, as everyone is too afraid to utter any words.

"Welcome home Ash. Fall in." Sensei Kreese says motion to the spot in between Hawk and Tory.

"Yes Sensei." I say strongly in return, pushing my hair beside my ear. By now it's about at my shoulder length, and it makes me feel beyond badass to almost have my hair back.

Tory smirks, happy to share her glory with me.

"Class, I think we can all agree it's nice to have Ms. Auclair back with us. I except you all to treat as if she never missed a single class in this dojo. Understood?" Sensei Kreese demands.

"Yes Sensei." The class answers back strongly.

"Wouldn't dream of it.." Hawk slyly whispers under his breath.

"Welcome home Killer." Tory says shooting me a smirk. That's new, not that I mind it.

*time skip til after class*

Sensei Kreese immediately pulls me over to the side after class into his office.

"Ash, I said I would handle things for you. And I plan on doing so. I'll pay your restitution, and your charges should be dropped. Especially if I do it..I have my ways. As far as your living situation...I don't mind you staying here as an emergency. I've heard about you not so called 'family' life. I'll do what I can." Sensei Kreese tells me sincerely before a knock is heard at the door.

Hawk is standing in the doorframe, already changed into his joggers and black vans shirt.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. Just came to claim my girl. She'll be staying with me." Hawk says confidently as my jaw drops to the floor.

"Very well then. Hawk, Ash, you are dismissed." Sensei Kreese says.

Hawk and I walk out the dojo in silence. The second the door shuts, Hawk grabs my neck and pins me to the side of the dojo window. His lips connect with mine.

"It's good to have my girl back." He says lowly while looking into my eyes.

"It's good to be back." I say in response. It meant to be a confident response like everything else has been today, but it came out way too shy..

Hawk puts his arm around me and we head towards his bike.

Looks like life back in the real world might not be as bad as I expected it to be.

A/N: y'all were so quiet on the last chapter..are y'all ok? You need some coffee? A hug? To light something on fire? Like what's up I gotchu?

Anyway have a great week loves, sorry for the slower updates, I've been swamped recently!

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