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(I'm kind of changing the formatting of my stories, I may edit the other chapters to be like like this but I'm not sure yet)

-Ed's POV-

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I squinted my eyes in the bright lights. I attempted to sit up but winced when I did so. A sharp pain coursed through my entire body, I groaned quietly. 

As if on cue, the door opened and Jim walked in. He walked towards the bed I was on "Hey Ed, how are you feeling?". 

I blinked my eyes a few times in an attempt to get used to the lights "Not good, my body hurts". 

He nodded and Lee walked in too. She smiled at me and I gave her a half smile. She had a bag of food and a coffee, she passed it to me "I thought you may want something". 

I took it and set it down on the table beside me "So, what's happening to my stepdad?"

"He's been arrested, we have him in custody right now"

I nodded absently and Lee cleared her throat before she spoke "Ed, I was thinking... what if I became your legal guardian?"

My eyes widened and I looked up at Lee "Wait, actually?"

She chuckled silently "Yeah, only if you're okay with it"

"Of course I'm okay with it... but are you sure? I-I don't want to be a burden on you"

She shook her head "Ed, you are an amazing kid. You don't deserve everything you've gone through. I want to help keep you safe and away from those terrible people"

Tears began to fill my eyes and Lee hugged me gently. I whispered quietly "Thank you"

"You're welcome, Ed"

Lee pulled away and I wiped the tears from my eyes

Jim spoke again "Ed, I called Oswald and told him that you're here. He's on his way"

I nodded and chuckled lightly "Thank you, I'm sure he's been worried"

Jim's phone rang and he left the room to take it. When he was out, Lee looked at me again "It may take a lot of legal action, but I'm willing to do anything to get you away from that terrible man"

I smiled "Thank you so much, Lee. You have no idea how much this means to me"

"It's no problem"

We heard a small knock at the door and both turned our heads to look. It was Oswald. He smiled at me and I smiled back, gesturing him into the room. He walked in and gave me a hug "God Ed, I was worried about you"

I hugged back "I'm sorry"

Oswald put a hand out to shake Lee's but she raised an eyebrow and pulled him into a hug. He hesitated for a moment before hugging her back. After a few seconds, they pulled away. Oswald looked at both of us "Did-Did I disturb anything?"

Lee chuckled and shook her head "No, I'm going to give you two some time alone"

She stood up and started to exit but turned around and winked at me. I  gave her a death stare and she smiled, leaving the room. 

Oswald sat down beside me "How do you feel?"

I sighed and smiled at him "I actually feel great" 

He raised an eyebrow "Great?"

"Yeah, I know I just nearly got raped again but there's good news... Lee wants to become my legal guardian"

Oswald smiled widely "Actually?!"

I nodded "Yeah!"

We talked for a long time before his mom texted him, asking to come home

He turned to me "Ed, I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded "I'll see ya"

He left and I smiled, for the first time in a while... I felt happy. Genuinely happy.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now