Jerome part 2

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-Edwards view-

My eyes slid open. I was in the living room. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. I looked behind me and Jerome slept behind me. My head filled with questions. Did we... Jerome's eyes glided open and I nearly fell off the small couch we were laying on. He smiled and I blushed "Jerome... Did anything happen last nigh-." He cut me off "Oh god! No!". I sighed with relief. We made eye contact. The corner of his lip curled up. I blushed. Our lips pressed. Our foreheads touched for a minute until Jerome kissed my forehead and climbed over me. I brought myself to my feet and trudged to the kitchen. Jerome made us some toast. He quickly shoved it in his mouth. I only nibbled on mine. He brought me a coffee but he drank most of it "So Ed...". I put down my toast "Yes?". He sucked the peanut butter off his fingers as he spoke "Who was that guy you were talking to?". I thought about Oswald and smiled. Even though I had a 'boyfriend' I still had a crush on him. "Just a friend..." I said looking at the table to avoid eye contact. I felt his stare burning through my forehead. I sighed "and... my crush". Jerome brought his arms up in victory "Knew it!". I looked up at him in a confused matter "You're not mad I have a crush?". Jerome chuckled "Everyone has crushes". I shrugged and continued nibbling on my toast. "What's his name?". I smirked "Should I really tell you?". Jerome curled his lip and pretended to pout. He gave me puppy dog eyes and I finally gave in "Fine! His name is Oswald". Jerome gave a victory smile. Theo walked him and greeted us. I nodded to him as I stood up to get dressed. I made my way down the long corridor to my room. I made it to my room and got dressed. I wore a white button-up with a green jacket and green pants. After I got dressed I flopped onto my bed and laid there. I didn't move at the sound of someone jiggling the doorknob. My eyes moved up to look at who had entered. The door opened and Jerome entered. He smiled at me and practically threw himself onto the bed. He laid beside me. I blushed intensely. "Wow you get flustered easily" he chuckled. "Are we official?" I asked. He shrugged "Only if you want". I kissed his forehead "I guess you're my boyfriend then". He wrapped his arms around me. "Couldn't have said it better". He kissed my neck and I relaxed into his arms.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now