The Runaway

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-Edwards view-

I woke up with Oswald asleep beside me. I slowly tried to get up but groaned slightly, waking him up. He jerked up and looked around for a moment before remembering where he was. He looked at me "You should have told me". I raised an eyebrow "Told you what?". He grabbed my arm and pulled down my shirt. I sighed "I-It's not that easy". He let go "Ed, we've been best friends since we were children, you can tell me anything". I shook my head "I-I didn't want to rope you into anything". We sat in silence for a few moments before I raised my head to look at him "Hey um, can you get me some water?". He nodded "Uh yeah, sure". He left the room and I stood up. I grabbed my phone, a sweater and my wallet and shoved it all in a backpack. As I was opening the window, I heard Oswald coming back. I jumped out and ran to my bike. I started to bike away. Away from that house. I let out a sigh of relief. I made it into the main part of the city and rode through an alley, I turned a corner and was clothes lined by an arm. I fell to the ground and groaned. Some shady guys started walking towards me "Hey fellas, looks like we caught ourselves a pretty boy". They started laughing and I scooched back. I hit a wall and they continued to advance. I spoke quietly "P-Please don't...". One was reaching for me when some shouted from behind them "Leave him alone!". They turned back "and what will you do about it?". He pulled out a police badge "Arrest you". The guys ran away through the alley and the cop approached me "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?". I shook my head and he extended his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. I grabbed my bike and he grabbed my arm "I don't think so, you need to come to the station with me and we need to call your parents". I cursed to myself as he led me to the station. I tried to talk him out of it "I-I'm just heading home! I swear, I'm going home!". He scoffed "Then you won't mind me calling your parents to pick you up". I continued trying "I can get home on my own! I'm going home". He laughed "Not without your parents your not". We made it to the station and he sat me down at a desk. I looked down at my hands and tried to think of a way out. As I was thinking, a man sat across from the desk I was seated at. The cop who brought me in sat down "I'm Jim Gordon, this is my partner Harvey Bullock". I continued looking down "I-I'm Edward Nygma". Jim stood up "Nice to meet you Edward". He walked away and I decided to put my plan in action. It wasn't much of a plan but I'm pretty sure it would get me out of here. I stood up and started to run but was grabbed. I quickly swung and punched the cop in the nose. They let go of me and I continued running, avoiding cops who were trying to grab me. I finally got out and ran to the alley where I left my bike. Luckily, it was still there and I boarded it and biked away.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now