Wayne Charity pt.2

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-Ed's view-
I sat in the limo with Barbara. "Why do they only put two of us in the same limo instead of all of us?" She asked. I shrugged "you think I'm in charge or something?". Barbara looked lost "I....don't wanna stay with the Maniax. I wanna stay with Tabitha but I don't wanna stay with the Maniax." She said, looking out the window. "I don't wanna be here either, I wish I was with Oswald." I said, mumbling the last part, Barbara didn't seem to notice me saying anything. The large building was soon in sight and the driver drove us to the back door. Jerome was already waiting, he looked unrecognizable. With his mustache, beard and hat, he looked way older. He opened the door for us and we made our way backstage. A lady was already waiting for us. "Thanks for filling in on such short notice. But how did you know our magician dropped out, Mr..." she stopped, waiting for an answer. Jerome gave a quick answer "Rodolfo. Well you know, magic." they both chuckled.
-time skiP-
"The Great Rodolfo!" Lee called us to the stage, I prayed she wouldn't notice me. Me and Barbara stood on either side of the box. Barbara opened the door to the box, no one was there. She closed it again and it seemed like Jerome had just appeared. It wasn't a hard trick, all it takes is a little hiding space. The audience clapped and Jerome stepped out of the box. "Greetings, ladies and germs! I am indeed the great Rodolfo!" Jerome exclaimed. Barbara, Jerome and I bowed "please ogle my lovely assistants!". Jerome laughed and the audience continued to clap. Jerome pulled out a cloth and moved it around in his hands. He pulled the cloth and underneath it was a red rose. He offered it to Barbara and she took it and threw it into the air. Jerome grabbed his cloth once again and this time he uncovered some sort of bird. Jerome made his way to the microphone "for my first act, I will need a volunteer!" He scanned the crowd. He knew who he was looking for but acted like he was looking for someone anonymous. "Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck. Goose!" He pointed at Bruce Wayne, who looked hesitant to come onto the stage. Barbara went to the back of the room and held out a hand to him. Barbara led him to the stage and Jerome opened a large box. "Hello, young man," he said once Bruce was on stage. Barbara helped Bruce into the box and Jerome and I closed the lid. "Does this handsome gentlemen have a name?" He asked. Bruce gave a quick answer "Bruce.". "Bruce!" Jerome repeated. Jerome pulled out a large blade and toyed with it a little bit before positioning it in the cracks in the box's. I did the same. "Well Bruce, this won't hurt a bit. Is there a doctor in the house?" Jerome joked. Everyone laughed. As Jerome got ready to push the blades down, Bruce's butler started yelling. "Just wait! Wait one second please!". Jerome ignored this and pushed the blades down. Music played and Barbara pulled the two pieces apart and the audience clapped. Bruce waved to the audience and Jerome laughed. "Some people say Bruce has a split personality! For my next illusion, I will need Deputy Mayor Harrison Kane.". The crowd clapped as he walked to the stage. Barbara wheeled a cart filled with knifes onto the stage. Lee grabbed her phone and dialed. Jerome didn't seem to notice and continued to talk "By the way, nobody is making it out of here alive,". The crowd laughs, unknowing of what is about to happen. Jerome laughs while picking up one of the knives and throwing it into Mayor Kayne's chest. The crowd gasps as they try stand to escape. The waiters all pull guns out and everyone in the crowd screamed as they began to shoot. Jerome laughs as panic comes across the room.

-time skip cause I'm not creative-

The whole crowd was sitting down, Jerome had taken his beard and mustache off. Lee was tied up to a large spinning wheel. Jerome reaches into Lee's purse and fished out her phone. Soon he had the phone to his ear, calling Jim. I moved myself over to where Lee was tied up. "I won't let them hurt you just don't get on there nerves" I told Lee before walking back to my spot on the stage. I need to find a way to stop this. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize that Jerome had finished the call. Theo stood up at the back of the ballroom and all three of us looked at him in confusion. "Enough! You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave!" He started walking towards the stage. Jerome easily played along with his little act "Is that right?". Theo continued "it may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham. But we are sick of you! Your a small vicious man with a pathetic need for attention!". Jerome gave a theatrical bow before letting him continue. "Enough, man! For god sakes, enough!". Jerome put out a hand to stop him "I'm curious what your leverage here is Mr...?". Theo dramatically looked into the camera "Theo Galavan,". Jerome held Theo's shoulders "Well Mr." he straightened up to mock Theo "Theo Galavan, if you don't sit down I'm going to shoot you. I'm the face" he patted Theo's shoulder. Theo turned around dramatically "I know there is some human decency left in you. If you need to take a hostage take me. But let these people go home! To there families, to there children-". Theo had barely finished before he had been hit in the back of the head with Barbara's bat. Barbara made a remark but I honestly didn't care enough to listen. I looked over to my right and Jerome had a gun to a guys head, trying to shoot the apple off the top of it. Behind him, Barbara was talking to Lee "So Lee, hows Jim doing? I hope he's not blaming himself for this whole Essen being killed thing,". Lee's eyes shifted to me and I shook my head. She then turned to Barbara "You are one crazy bitch!". I cursed to myself in my head. Fuckkkk! Barbara remained calm "so rude". She then turned the switch on the wheel Lee was on, so now it was turning. "I'm gonna make a prediction". Lee grunted in pain as the wheel turned, Barbara continued "Within a year, Jim and I will be back together. Wanna know why? Because we're the same. We both have a dark side.... and one day we will tell our Grandchildren about how this man eating harpy almost tore us apart! But I'm the end... love conquered all!". Lee tried to speak but was breathing too hard, so instead she used her knee and rammed into into Barbara's stomach. Barbara got up quickly and nearly stabbed Lee but Jerome grabbed her arm "It hasn't been ten minutes. I need to buy you a watch". Jerome looked around the room and smiled "I think it's time for tonight's first official victim, you all know and love, poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer! Where is... Bruce Wayne?" He looked around, still smiling " You know I'm an orphan, too, Bruce I killed my parents though. Where are you hiding? Bruce! Where are you, buddy?". Barbara turned to him "Kill his butler,". One of the waiters started to bring up the butler and I looked around, trying to find Bruce. The butler was on the stage and Jerome was still calling for Bruce. "Last chance Bruce, or it's about to get very butler brainy out here!". He continued to look around "Brucey?!". Barbara put her hand on her hip "I'm bored. Kill the butler.". Bruce came out of the curtain "Stop!". Alfred turned around to look at Bruce "What the bloody hell are you doing?!". The waiter let go of Alfred and he ran to Bruce and whispered something in his ear. They were only together for a second before Bruce was pulled away by Jerome. Jerome snapped at one of the waiters "Make sure no ones behind the curtain". The waiter started to approach the curtain and Detective Gordon popped out and shot him. This started panic in the ballroom, all the waiters started shooting and fighting Gordon and Bruce's butler. Once all the waiters were down, they turned to Jerome, who had a knife to Bruce's neck. Gordon looked at the butler "I don't have a clear shot!". Jerome cackled in victory but then heard someone behind him. He turned around and saw Theo "I said enough!". Theo stabbed him in the neck. Bruce ran off stage. Once Theo  stood up, I ran to Jerome. He was dead but I tried to convince myself otherwise. Barbara ran to the escape route and left, leaving me with Jerome's corpse. I grabbed his coat and shook him "Wake up! Come on, please!". Cops were trying to grab me and I pushed them away, I needed Jerome to be alive. They put the handcuffs on me and started to lead me out the door. I took one final glance at Jerome's body before I was dragged out. I was almost out of the building before Jim stopped the cops that were bringing me out "I can take him". They let go of me and Jim took hold of my arm. Bullock walked up to him "Why'd you take him?". Jim continued walking "We have to be careful bringing him out, we need him for answers". Bullock nodded and Jim rushed me into a police car.

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