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This chapters gonna be a long one.

-Oswald's view-

I forced myself to walk into the large hellhole, also known as school. I made my way down the shadowy hallway. I was begging that the world would let me have at least one good day. I made my way to my locker and watched as Butch and his posse just walked past me. I knew they wouldn't stay like that for long but I savoured the short time that it would stay. I grabbed my binders and textbooks and made my way to class. The teacher informed me that I was late and continued on with the lesson. I sat in my seat in the back corner of the class. I pulled out a pencil and tried to pay attention. I couldn't help but look at the desk beside me which was once occupied by Ed. I tried taking notes but couldn't stop thinking about Edward. I eventually gave up and drew in my notebook. The bell rang and I heard heavy footsteps approaching my desk. I tried packing up my things before they walked over to my desk but was unsuccessful. Butch grabbed my notebook off my desk and held it up so I couldn't reach it. I jumped up and snatched my notebook back from Butch. He gave me an annoyed look and tried to grab me. I sprinted down the hallway to get away from them. I made my way to the library and hid in between the large shelves. The librarian knew I usually hid in here when they were searching for me. "Have you seen a scrawny little freak walk in here?" Butch asked rudely. She shook her head "only Ivy Pepper is in here". Butch growled and stomped down the hallway. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much Mrs. Kringle" I said grabbing my backpack off the floor and making my way to the door. I quickly peeked my head around the corner. No one. I quickly ran so Butch wouldn't see me. Should I ditch class? I wondered to myself as I ran. I decided on ditching and made my way to the front lobby of the school. After leaving I wondered what to do. I felt an arm grab my shoulder. I turned around violently thinking it was Butch. I turned around and saw a girl with orange hair. "Hi I'm Ivy Pepper." She said simply. "I-I'm Oswald?" I said in a confused matter. "Are you ditching?" She asked. "Oh um, yeah". "Can I come? I hate it here!". What if she's friends with Butch? Instinct kicked in "Sure! I could use the company". She clapped her hands and pulled her backpack straps on comfortably. We walked down the road and found a cafe. After ordering, we talked. We told each other a little bit about ourselves. "How does someone like you not have friends?" She asked. "W-Well I used to have one friend". "What happened to him?" She asked, taking a sip of her sugar filled coffee. "Long story". Her eyes begged for me to explain. I groaned and started explaining. After I was finished she stared at me. "Well shit!" Was all she said. I laughed. "So let me get this straight. Your friend was broken out of an insane asylum and now he's slummin it with the crazies?" I nodded. She leaned back and nodded, internalizing what I just told her. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled. "Hey, I'm going to a party tomorrow wanna come?" she asked. I scrunched up my face " Ugh people". She laughed "Come on pleeeeassse?" She begged. "Ugh fine. But I'm not going to stay long". She shrugged "Fine by me"

-Time skip to next day-

Since it was Saturday I decided to stay home all day. I watched tv on the couch. It was silent until a knock on the door interrupted my 'Doctor Who' marathon. "We don't want coupons, Mrs. Head!". I yelled so my old neighbour could hear me. The door opened and Ivy stepped in "What?" Was all she said. I chuckled "it's a long story". "Oswald, you look like shit" she pointed out. "Aww thanks Ivy. Aren't you a real charmer?" I sarcastically remarked. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room. She sifted through my closet and found some decent clothes. A black shirt with the Nike symbol on it. She paired it with some sweatpants. We made our way to the door and I grabbed my keys, my phone and my wallet. "Bye mom I'll be back tonight" she waved goodbye at me and I left. She called a taxi and we climbed in. She told the driver our destination and he nodded and started driving. She pulled out her phone and texted someone. I was curious about who she was texting but didn't dare snoop at her phone. I looked out the window at the passing city. Gotham looked quite nice at night. Ivy was still texting when she started talking to me. "Are you excited Oswald?". I plastered a fake smile on my face "Yeah!". She smiled and kept texting. We sat in silence until the car stopped. "Thank you" I said to the driver while stepping out. Drunken teenagers crowded the front lawn. Ivy grabbed my arm and pulled me to the house. The house was crowded as well. We moved through the stampede of drunk kids and finally made it to an empty area. I stood awkwardly while Ivy scanned the crowd. After finding her friends she left me stranded. I found a small corner and stayed there.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now