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-Trigger warning-

- A week and a half after last chapter-

-Edward's POV-

Oswald had been asking me for days if he could go get the stuff from my old house. I finally told him that I would go get it. "I know what he did to you Ed, I'm not letting you go alone!" he demanded. "Oswald, I'll be fine, I promise" I chuckled nervously and kissed the top of his head. It took several more minutes to convince him that I could go alone. He said he would drive me and I would call him to pick him up. I didn't want him coming with me, because of what might happen if my stepdad is home. Once we got there Oswald gave me a kiss "If you hear anything, get the hell out of there!". I wasn't concerned because I couldn't see my stepdad's car in the driveway. After I left the car, Oswald pulled out and left me to go get my stuff. I approached the door. It was unlocked, like usual. I opened it and it creaked slightly. I made my way down the hallway and into my room. I've always had this room. Even before dad died, and mom found my stepdad. It's the biggest room in the house. "Here you go buddy, good as new"  my dad exclaimed. I picked up the stuffed animal and examined it. Geez, my dad knew how to sew! I hugged him before running off to play. I smiled at the thought of my father. "I love you, Ed." he had lost all his hair. He was growing weaker by the day. I didn't know what was going on at the time. I didn't know that he had cancer. Not long after he died, my mom started doing drugs. Whenever I asked her about dad, she would yell at me or smack me. So I eventually started thinking of dad as a bad subject to bring up. I never figured out what happened to him until health class one year. I was around 14 when I found out. A creak behind me startled me out of my thoughts. I turned around and immediately was out cold.


An intense migraine pounded my head as I woke up. I was sitting on the floor of my dining room. My back was against the leg of the kitchen table and my hands were tied to a chair with a zip tie. I looked to my left and saw my stepdad finish a bottle of bourbon. I attempted to stand up, but my stepdad looked at me "You're not gonna get anywhere, you're tied down". He walked towards me. He had a drunken limp in his step. I continued to struggle. My stepdad started to get angry "Stop it!". I continued. He threw the glass bottle and it shattered beside me. I screamed and he smiled "There we go". I felt hot tears flood my eyes "Please, just let me grab my things and leave". He sat beside me and held my chin "Oh, we both know I'm not gonna do that". The tears fell down my face and he wiped them away. He started to kiss my neck and I yelled "Stop!". He looked me in the eyes "Huh, I thought this was what fags like". Another tear ran down my face and he continued to kiss my neck. "S-Stop~" I accidentally moaned. He chuckled to himself "and now you're moaning beneath me". 

-Oswald's POV- 

I pulled into Ed's driveway. I was worried, he's been gone for 3 hours. I closed the truck door and sprinted to the house. I opened the door and searched the living room. I heard small sobs from the dining room and quickly sprinted into the dining room. I found Ed, curled into a ball on the floor. His face streaked with tears. His neck filled with bruises and pain obvious across his face. I ran up to him. He was only wearing his pants which were unbuttoned and to his knees. "What happened!?" I asked. He shook his head and looked at the ground "H-he raped me". I pulled out my phone and called the cops. Ed was shaking, he looked traumatized. "911, what's your emergency?" The voice on the other side of the phone answered. "My boyfriends been raped!"

-Ed's POV- 

Oswald had called the cops. He tried talking to me but, I couldn't talk. It was like my voice stopped working. Bruises had already formed across my arms, neck and body. I sat and waited for the cops. Oswald was pacing around the room. I kept shaking, uncontrollably.  The cops arrived and helped me stand up. I was fully clothed now. They asked me a few questions and I responded with simple nods or head shakes. They soon told me and Oswald that they were going to take me to the station for further questioning. They put me in a cop car and Oswald had to drive to the station. Everything was a blur. We got to the GCPD and they brought me in. They seated me at a desk and I stared at the small figurine of a chicken on the desk. I sat, dazed for a few minutes before Jim saw me and approached me with a confused expression. He sat across the desk from me "Ed? Why're you here?" He asked, We made eye contact "What happened?". I stayed silent and shook my head. He asked again "Ed, what happened?". After I didn't answer, he stood up and approached the cop who brought me in here. They talked for a minute before Jim came back to the desk. "You were raped?" He said sitting down, his confused expression changed to pity. The word brought chills down my spine and I thought back to the terrible experience I had gone through not even a few hours ago. "Who did it?" He asked. I stayed silent for a moment "Oliver Jones, my stepfather,". Oswald came up to the desk and gave me a paper bag and a coffee. He kissed my forehead and turned and went to the waiting area in the front of the GCPD. Jim turned to me again "Did anything else happen?". I took a sip of the coffee and shrugged "My mother killed herself...because of me,". "Maybe this a better thing for Lee," He said, standing up and walking to the Medical Examiners room. I sat silently. I looked into the bag and found a muffin. I put it in the trash can beside me and drank some of the coffee. Lee came out of the M.E room and hugged me. I didn't hug her back. She sat down across from me " Ed, how are you doing?". I thought of the terrible memory and I felt tears stinging my eyes. Lee noticed this and hugged me. My arms stayed glued to my sides. She let go and looked me in the eyes "Ed, you can talk about how you're feeling". I shook my head, tears were threatening to fall down my face. She sat down again. "C-can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. "Uh, sure...". I stood up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and immediately started crying. I fell to the floor and put my head in my hands.

-Time skip cause im too lazy and untalented to write-

I wiped my eyes and left the bathroom. Lee was gone. She was replaced by a large bald man in a suit. I walked to the desk and he stood up and held out his hand "Nathaniel Barnes,". I slowly shook it "Um, Edward Nygm-". I was interrupted by him speaking again "I know who you are and what you did". I hung my head in shame "Ah, so that's why you're talking to me". He nodded "Precisely". I looked at my feet and he continued "I thought it best that you finish your time in Arkham". I nodded and he just walked away. I knew this was coming and I knew I deserved it. I sat down again. Oswald was told the news and freaked out "He was just raped! He has trauma!". He yelled and screamed until officers finally calmed him down. I sat at the desk, numb. No thoughts really passed my head. Except the fact that Theo will most likely send out Tabitha to kill me once they find out that I'm in Arkham. Oswald hugged me and I felt tears soak my shirt. Oswald kept telling me that I'll be ok. I'm fine. But I still didn't talk. Once the Arkham workers came to get me, Oswald freaked out again. I stood when they pulled me up and cooperated when they put the straitjacket on. Oswald ended up punching one of the guards in the face and giving him a bloody nose. I stood while Oswald fought the guards to let me go. He seemed to think that I would run away or help him, but instead I stood, waiting for the guards to recover and bring me to Arkham. It took 3 officers to hold down Oswald. The two men tightened my straitjacket and wheeled me to the large van that was prepared to take me to Arkham. Once I was wheeled inside a familiar voice greeted me from inside. "are you ready?". I looked to my side. Sure enough Barbara sat in the van. "Hey, beautiful," Jerome greeted me from the front of the van. I gave them a fake smile. Barbra undid the ties and Jerome called me to sit in the front seat with him. I gave another fake smile, while Jerome drove away from the GCPD. 

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now