Awkward position

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-Edwards view-

Oswald was pulling my arm. We were about 10 years old. "Come on Ed, Hurry up" I struggled to keep up with him. He covered my eyes and pushed me forward. He took his hands off and said "ta da". It was the circus. My mouth grew wide and my jaw dropped. I had never been to the circus. He pulled my arm again and we bought some tickets. He took me to the large red tent and we sat down. Not long after clowns came out from the opening in the side of the tent. They did different acts like that and soon it was over. I didn't want to go home. "Hey Ed," I looked over at him "do you wanna sleep over". His front teeth were gone so his voice was lispy. "Sure" his face lit up. He grabbed my arm again and pulled me.

-End of dream-

I sat up and rubbed my head. I pulled the blanket off of my legs and pulled myself to my feet. My feet hit the cold floor. I shivered, only wearing boxers and a t-shirt. I pulled some pants on and trudged to the kitchen. It was empty which made sense considering it was 5:30. I poured a cup of coffee and went on my phone. I checked Instagram, nothing new. "Mornin" Jerome said. He was only wearing boxers. "Jesus Jerome get a shirt on." I said taking another sip of my coffee. He took my coffee off the table and drank almost all of it. "What? Can't stand how goddamn sexy I am?" he said while setting my coffee back down on the table. I drank the rest of the coffee and made my way to the kitchen for another "Nope, but I'm gonna lose it if you keep drinking my coffee". I grabbed another mug for Jerome. I poured both coffees and gave one to Jerome, who was sitting at the table. I pulled my phone out again and opened text messages. I somehow hoped to see a text from Oswald even though I blocked him. Jerome snatched my phone from me and ran. I quickly stood up from my chair. My chair fell down and I ran around the corner after Jerome "You little shit." He kept running. I waited for him at the other side. He ran around the corner and slammed into me. We both fell to the ground, laughing. I sat on top of him and ripped my phone out of his hands. I looked down at him. He was still laughing. I heard people stifling laughter behind us. I turned and saw everyone watching us. Jerome stopped laughing and looked too. I noticed the position we were in. He was laying down on his back and I was sitting on his stomach with my hands on his bare chest. Me and Jerome were both blushing. Then I remembered that everyone was watching. I practically threw myself off of him. He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. He spoke up "It's not what you think". Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed. I sat on my legs and looked at Jerome who was looking at me. I blushed again. He got up and extended an arm out for me. "You know your the first friend I ever had" He brought up suddenly. "Why?" I asked him as he helped me up to my feet. "Growing up with the circus didn't promise you much". This was a side of Jerome I had never seen. I wondered if I was the first to see it. Do I have a crush on Jerome? I was asking questions to myself in my head. I walked to the kitchen and it seemed like everyone had forgotten about what just happened. I scooped a bit of eggs and took a piece of bacon. Jerome passed by and snatched the bacon off my plate. He took a bite of it and grinned at me. I crossed my arms and pretended to pout. But I couldn't hold back a smile.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now