//Chapter 37//

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-Ed's POV-

Bruce tapped on the ground he was sitting on "What are we supposed to do in here?"

I chuckled "We could play rock paper scissors again"

"We've already done that 8 times in the past hour" Bruce sighed and closed his eyes. The door opened and we both turned to see who it was.

Jim walked into the room and Bruce stood up "Any news on Jerome?"

"Nothing too bad. He hasn't killed anyone yet, luckily"

Bruce took a deep breath "Okay..."

Jim looked around the room "How're you guys holding up in here?"

Bruce laughed quietly "Bored"

Jim scratched his neck awkwardly and chuckled "Sorry um... is there anything I can get you? Besides food of course"

Bruce smiled "I could use some books"

I thought for a moment "um... a puzzle book, I guess?"

He nodded and turned "Got it. I'll get you some food too"

-Time skip-

The door opened again and we both turned to look. A woman with a red coat was at the door. Bruce stood in front of me, protectively "Who are you?"

Her face stayed neutral "I'm Ecco, I'm here to take Ed to a safer place"

Bruce scoffed "Yeah, right. If you can get Jim to say it then he'll go"

"Alright, I guess it's the hard way". Bruce opened his mouth to speak but was punched before he could say anything. He quickly stood up, blocking her next punch. He was brought to the ground again with a quick leg sweep. She got on top of him, straddling his hips and bringing a cloth to his mouth. He fought for a moment before going limp.

I stared with wide eyes "Did you kill him?!"

She stood up and looked at him for a moment before shaking her head "Nope, he's just unconscious". Her eyes flicked to me and I felt a shiver go up my spine "Are we going to do this the easy way?"

I nodded and began to walk towards her. Once, I was close enough, I tried to lay a punch on her but she stuck her hand out, blocking it. She swiftly grabbed my arms, pulling them behind my back and leading me out of the room. The moment we made it into the precinct, cops stood. She pulled out a gun and held it to my head "Anyone tries to lay a hand on me, he's dead"

The entire precinct seemed to back down as she led me out of the building. Once we got out the doors, I tried to wriggle out of her grip but she only held me tighter "I thought we were doing the easy way. I don't want to have to knock out another teenager"

I kicked at her legs again and she pinned me against the wall, reaching into her pocket again and pulling out the rag. I struggled but she pushed me into the wall, forcing the cloth onto my face, knocking me out cold in seconds

-Time skip-

I woke up in a small space. I rubbed my eyes and searched the floor for my glasses. After a moment of searching, I found them. I put them on and scanned the room I was in. It was completely concrete and the only other thing was a small camera in the corner. I stood up and groaned. The door in the corner suddenly opened and I gasped quietly "J-Jerome?"

He chuckled awkwardly and scratched his neck "No... I'm Jeremiah. His twin brother"

I shook my head "What kind of fucking sick joke is this...?"

"This isn't a joke, I swear. I wish it was"

I raised an eyebrow "Prove it."

"Prove.. it?"

"Prove that you're not Jerome"

"Well, my face is still here, isn't it?"

I emitted a small, dry chuckle before standing up "Yeah, okay fair point. No amount of makeup could cover the way it looks. You're not him."

"I'm glad you think so"

I looked around the room "Any chance I could leave this room? Because as much as I love the solid concrete decor, it's not my preference"

He opened the door wider "Are you hungry?". I nodded and he began to lead me down the hallway.

I looked around "Jesus, how do you know your way around this place? Everywhere looks the same"

He chuckled "I created it, I kinda have to know my way around it. I'm also very good at puzzles". He opened a door, revealing a small kitchen "What do you want?"

"Uhm, something small please"

He nodded before reaching into a cupboard and passing me a granola bar. I nodded my head in thanks and unwrapped it slowly. A girl walked into the room and I looked to her "You're the one who kidnapped me."

"Yes, I am. Your friend put up quite a fight for you"

"Yeah, that's Bruce."

"Bruce is a good fighter, maybe he can give you a few tips"

I chuckled "I was panicking"

She smiled and sat down at one of the chairs at the counter. Jeremiah leaned over the counter and looked at me "Sorry about kidnapping you, by the way. We figured that Jerome was gonna come after you and thought it would be best if we kept you here."

I nodded "Does Jim Gordon or the GCPD know about this?"

He shook his head "Couldn't risk it. The GCPD has too many dirty cops, some of them are no doubt working for Jerome"

I looked around "I guess it is safer in here then at the precinct.."

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now