//Chapter 38//

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(I wrote this a bit differently than it happened in the show, sorry)

-Edward's POV-

I was sitting in Jeremiah's work room, when an alarm suddenly set off. I looked at Jeremiah in a panic. He was already checking the cameras. He muttered a small 'fuck' before standing up, grabbing some papers, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room.

"Jeremiah, what's going on?"

He was quiet for a moment "He found us."

My breath hitched and I felt my legs go weak. I nearly fell but continued running with Jeremiah.

I continued to look behind me but Jeremiah stopped suddenly, making me crash into him. I looked up and saw Ecco. Jeremiah stood up quickly "Ecco! We've gotta go!"

He attempted to grab Ecco's arms but she grabbed it and pulled it forward, causing Jeremiah to crash onto the floor in front of her. I attempted to back up but Ecco grabbed my arm and Jeremiah's and started to pull us away from the exit. Jeremiah thrashed in her grip "I can't! He'll kill me! Ecco, please!"

Officer Gordon and Bullock suddenly appeared and approached Ecco, she threw us to the ground, ready to fight the two cops.

While that was happening, Jeremiah stood up and grabbed my arm, guiding me through the halls again.

We approached a large neon sign that said 'the end' and I sighed in relief. We began to go faster towards it.

"Hello, you two"

My eyes widened in fear. We began to back away but were met with Jervis Tetch and The Scarecrow.

We were cornered. I began to panic even more. Suddenly, Jerome appeared with a gun. I gasped and tripped over my feet, landing on the floor near one of the walls.

Jerome approached Jeremiah and put a gun to his head "Hi Bro. Lookin' good and to think that I used to be the good looking one"

Jeremiah backed up "H-How did you get into the base?"

Jerome stepped forward, following Jeremiah's pace "We may not look the same, but we still think the same! Plus, you used to draw these stupid things all the time, as a kid. I paid attention!". He turned to Scarecrow and Tetch "Hey, Hat Head! Take Krane and go find Jim and his bearded sidekick. Kill them." when the other two left, Jerome chuckled and looked at Jeremiah again "I've been waiting for this moment for 15 years! Ever since you ran away in the middle of the night like a coward."

Jeremiah kept eye contact with Jerome "You're insane."

Jerome kept the smug grin on his face "Yeah."

"And I tried telling mom but she didn't wanna listen to me... you blame me for everything that's gone wrong in your life, but the truth is Jerome... that you were born bad"

Jerome nodded slowly "Born bad, huh? So that's why you made her think that I tried to kill ya, right?"

Jeremiah tried to speak but was cut off by Jerome "We both-"

"What was it again? What was it? I put a blade through your throat? No, no, no, no... I tried to light you on fire?"

Jerome pushed Jeremiah a bit and he looked down "We both know you wanted to!"

Jerome pushed the gun against Jeremiah's chest "Yeah, that was a funny story, wasn't it?"

Jeremiah trembled a bit "Okay... m-maybe it didn't happen exactly like that but I didn't have a choice and I was right... you killed our mother, Jerome"

Jerome stared for a moment "She did deserve it though..."he let out a low chuckle before continuing "After that whore hid you away, she gave up on me... poisoned by your stories! You turned everyone I loved against me! MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD! But... I guess it's like what they say 'You all could go insane with just one bad day'. I guess with you it's more like... one bad spray. You'll see" he laughed again

I tried to back away but Jerome pointed the gun at me "Ah ah ah. Not so fast Nygma. I haven't even said hello to you yet!"

Jeremiah looked down "What're you gonna do to me, Jerome?"

Jerome smiled "Come on! I'm gonna kill ya, of course. But first, I'm gonna drive you mad... but don't worry, you won't be alone. All of Gotham will be joining you too."

Shouts and footsteps were heard coming down the hallway and Tetch and Scarecrow suddenly appeared around the corner, running "MUST GO! MUST GO! MUST GO! THEY'RE AFTER ME AND THE SCARECROW!"

Jerome rolled his eyes "These guys just don't give up, huh?"

More shouting was heard, distracting Jerome again. Jeremiah took this as a chance to run and attempted to escape but was suddenly pulled back by Jerome, who held the gun to his temple "Get any closer and I splatter him! I'll splatter broski!"

Jim hid around the corner , pointing only his gun out "No, you won't. If you wanted him dead, you would've killed him already."

Jerome chuckled "He's right, I'll see you soon." he planted his kiss on his brother's head before throwing him to the ground beside me and running.

While Jim and Harvey chased after him, I turned to Jeremiah "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you?"

He gave me a fake smile that didn't quite reach his eyes "Only mentally"

I stood up and reached out a hand "We should try find Ecco..."




{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum