//Chapter 39//

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-Jim's POV-

After searching the entire perimeter of Jeremiah's base and finding not even a trace of the three criminal, I decided to check on Ed. I walked into the building and panicked slightly when Ed wasn't where we left him "Ed! Ed! Fuck!" 

Harvey came in "Lee's gonna be so pissed off at us"

I began to walk through the maze "Shut up, we need to find him"

He grabbed my shoulder, turning me around "In this maze? Jim, we'll be here for days"

"We still need to try. I don't know about you, but I'm going to go in there and find him"

Harvey sighed heavily "Trust you to get me to walk through some stupid maze for a kid. Let's go, before I change my mind"

-Ed's POV-

Jeremiah and I searched the maze for Ecco. I heard Jim and Harvey yelling my name. I looked at Jeremiah and he shook his head "We need to find Ecco."

"I know my way around the maze. I'll find Jim, lead him out of here and meet you at your office."

Jeremiah sighed and rubbed his head "Fine, but if you see any trace of Jerome, run."

I nodded and ran towards the sound of Jim's voice. After a while of running, I turned a corner and locked eyes with Jim. He sighed with relief and hugged me "Damn, I was worried. Lee will be happy you're okay. We'll find this guy who kidnapped you and bring you back to the GCPD"

I pulled away and looked at him "Actually, I'm going to stay here. I came to find you so I could lead you out"

He raised an eyebrow "What? No, it's not safe here."

"It's safer than at the GCPD. There's all sorts of dirty cops there who could be working for Jerome. At least here, I have a chance to escape"

He sighed "Lee's not gonna like this..."

I nodded "I know but Jeremiah has a good security system here."

"Jerome's already gotten in here, how do you know he won't be able to again?"

"He would've gotten into the GCPD much easier. Especially with all those dirty cops around. Plus, Jeremiah's going to be adding more cameras so they span the entire place and the surrounding area"

Jim was silent for a moment "Let me see Jeremiah, I need to talk to him" 

I nodded and began leading the two cops to Jeremiah's office. Once we got there, I opened the door.

Jeremiah turned around "Ah, Ed. Perhaps we should- Oh. The cops are with you... great. What do you want, officers?"

Jim looked him in the eyes "We need to talk. Preferably somewhere private. "

-No one's POV-

Jeremiah led Jim into a separate room "What do you want, Officer?"

"You kidnapped a teenager-"

"To keep him safe"

Jim sighed "We could've kept him just as safe at the precinct."

"No, you could not and you know that. There's dirty cops everywhere in this city, keeping an eye out for Ed. I'm the one keeping him away from those cops, making sure he doesn't get killed by my maniac brother."

Jim looked down, thinking "You're right. Ed said you're going to be working on higher security measures?"

Jeremiah nodded "Yes, tomorrow, I will have even more security cameras installed as well as better locks"

Jim ran a hand through his hair "Lee's not going to like this at all..."

"She doesn't have to, but it's keeping him safe."

Jim bit his lip and opened the door again, stepping back into the room that Harvey and Ed were in, he took a deep breath "Ed, you're staying here. Make sure you call Lee though, she's worried sick about you."

Ed nodded "Alright. I'll see you when this is all over."

Once the two cops were gone, Jeremiah sighed in relief "Jesus Christ, I thought they were gonna arrest me."

Ed chuckled "I'm surprised they didn't. Officer Gordon's very... overprotective"

"He obviously thinks of you like a son to him. Do you consider him a father figure?"

Ed felt a pang in his chest at the word "father". He didn't exactly have a good background with father's, he shook his head "I'd rather I didn't."

Jeremiah looked at him for a moment before speaking "It's getting late, why don't you head to bed?"

Ed nodded "Yeah... I'll see you in the morning.". They said their goodnights before Ed made his way down the hallways to his designated room. 

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now