//Chapter 41//

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-Ed's POV-

We drove up to the square, loud music was blasting  and Jerome's voice boomed through the speakers. He stopped singing as he noticed us walking into the park, he grinned "Well, look who decided to show up. We were starting to get nervous. Especially the mayor here. My guests of honor, please, take your seats onstage.". Jim nodded to us and we started to make our way to the stage "Come on, don't be shy!". As Jeremiah edged closer to the stage, Jerome taunted him "Hi brother." Gunshots erupted around the park and everyone ducked down quickly. Jerome shrugged, smiling "I had my guys take up the best vantage points last night. So they've been watching your little SWAT team all day. Now... Bruce, Ed and brother dear. Get up onstage. It's time to get this party really started, huh?"

Bruce turned me "We'll be okay, Captain Gordon will keep us safe"

I took a shaky breath and nodded, walking towards the stage again. Once we were up on the stage, Jerome's cult started putting collars on us and sitting us down on the chairs. Jerome sat down beside Jeremiah "No parent will admit it, but everyone's got their favorites. Right, brother? The one who cleans their room, does their homework, doesn't try to kill everyone. Little Mr. Perfect here, yeah, he was that guy. He got adopted by rich folks, went to the top schools, then, a top college. Meanwhile, I got dragged through the circus by my depressed, alcoholic mother. Forced to clean up elephant dung everyday. But I know something that Mommy and Daddy never knew... you're as crazy as I am. It's in your DNA. See, we've got the same blood running through us." He pulled out a knife, pointing it at Jeremiah and then cutting the ties off his wrists "We are practical identical. You are a killer, it's in your nature. Stop trying to fight it." He placed the knife in Jeremiah's hand "Take your best shot."

Jeremiah looked at the knife for a moment before getting up quickly and slashing at his brother, missing and getting punched in the jaw instead and kicking him a few times in the gut. More gunshots went off in the park, and Jerome looked up quickly. Jim suddenly appeared on the side of stage, shooting Jerome in the shoulder. I yelped, ducking down. Bruce was on his feet, trying to pull Bridget's flamethrower. Jerome stood up quickly, grabbing me out of my chair and pulling me off the stage. I struggled as we ran "Let me go!!"

Jerome pulled out a gun "I don't want to shoot you, darling but I will if you don't stop!". He led me into a building and up the stairs. He stood at the edge, Jim ran out the door after us "Hands up! Let him go!"

Jerome held the gun to my head "I'd stay away if I was you, Jimbo! Your precious little boy is on the line!"

Jim lowered his gun a bit but brought it back up "You won't kill him"

"Says who? I killed my own mother."

I pulled away from his grip, starting to run towards Jim but heard a loud gunshot, suddenly feeling a pain in my abdomen. Another gunshot ran through the air and I turned around, Jerome was staring down at his own stomach, he was beginning to lose his balance "Funny."

Jim ran to the edge, I felt myself fall to the ground as well. I felt lightheaded as I placed my hand on the wound. I could feel the blood pool between my fingers, Jim ran up to me "Holy shit! Ed!"

I took a deep breath "I-Is he dead?"

Jim nodded quickly "Yes, we need to call an ambulance". He pulled out his phone, dialing the number, I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing and not the growing pain in my stomach. I began to flow in and out of consciousness. Time seemed to pass fast and before I knew it, I was being pulled off the ground and into a stretcher. An oxygen mask was put on my face. When we made it to the street, people crowded around. As I was pushed into the ambulance, I got a glimpse of Jerome, dead on the car he fell onto. 

I laughed until I passed out from blood lose.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now