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-Edwards view-
They helped me down the truck and handcuffed my wrists. They lead me to the cracked up and damaged building. As soon as I entered I heard screams and crazed laughter. A sharp chill went down my spine. I walked down the hallway and was eventually in a cafeteria-sort of room. One of the guards uncuffed me and I had half the mind to run but instead I waited. Another guard opened the large metal door and pushed me in. I landed on my hands and knees. All of the laughter and chatting silenced as soon as I was on the ground. Several pairs of eyes stared at me. I got up on my feet and made my way to an empty corner. I stood with my back to the wall. Everyone continued to talk. I looked around to see who was in the room. I recognized a few cannibals and rapists from the news. Then I saw him. Jerome. He was approaching me, my whole body froze. "Hi buddy" he said once he was in front of me. "When did you get here?" my voice was shaky and scratchy. "Actually not too long before you got here" he distributed one of his dark laughs and I stiffened. He invited me to sit with him and his friends. I regretfully joined. His friends were all playing cards. They introduced themselves as: Richard Sionis, Aaron Helzinger, Robert Greenwood and Arnold Dobkins. I didn't play so I just read a book. All of a sudden the room went silent once again. This time to the sound of a pair of high heels clicking on the floor. A woman with blond hair and sunglasses could be seen through the other side of the metal wall. I had no interest in her and continued my book. She entered the cafeteria and Robert told Jerome to ask her about a relationship between him and her. Soon she was sitting at our table, getting her nails painted by Aaron. "Someone tell me a funny story" she demanded. Richard smacked his hand on the table "Oh, I have one. When I was in college I played for the varsity polo team and... I had a string of ponies" the door opened for the third time of the day. This time letting in a large man with a bald spot on the top of his head. Once he came in he started yelling "Greetings! I am Zaardon. The soul reaper" everyone in the hospital stared at the strange man for a matter of seconds before returning to their matters. "So I had these ponies...". I decided to keep listening to Richard's shitty story. "...and the maître d' says 'you cant bring them in here''. Zaardon looked pissed " Hear me slaves!" he yelled "my patience is running thin. Surrender your souls to my mercy or I swear by the master, I shall feast on your pain, I shall gorge on your torment, I shall crush you like a bug!" he coughed almost immediately after. He gagged and continued coughing. He fell on the table and blue smoke swooshed out of his mouth. It hit me almost immediately. I could feel myself gagging and my vision was getting blurry. My legs gave out and I blacked out on the cement floor.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now