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-Oswald's POV-

My mom forced me to go to school today. I slowly made my way into the front doors. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books and left. All of a sudden someone grabbed my hair and slammed my head into a wall. "Hey faggot, heard your boyfriend went insane". Butch Gilzean. I tried pulling away but he pushed my head back onto the wall. Blood was dripping down my nose and onto the floor. The hands were pulled away and another set of hands grabbed my jacket and pulled me down the hallway. I couldn't see who it was. They pulled me out the door and into a car. I looked up and saw the cop who was always on tv, Jim Gordon. He made his way to the drivers side and immediately started the car and started driving. "Wha-What do you want with me?" I asked. He took a deep breath and started "Edward told us that you were his only friend. Is this true?". I nodded "Um, yes sir". We sat in silence until he pulled up to the GCPD. He noticed my nose was bleeding all over my clothes. "Shit!" He ran to the passenger side door and I stepped out. He brought me inside and got me a tissue. I held it to my nose and he brought me to an interrogation room and asked me questions. "Do you know where he is?". I shook my head "No". He sat down across from me "Have you seen him anywhere?". I stuttered "N-No". He tilted his head "Don't lie to me, Oswald". I sighed "Fine, I saw him but he didn't say anything about who got him out. He was with Jerome and the other escapees... except Barbara". He stood up again "Thank you. Um, I'll see what I can do about your clothes". I nodded and waited. Not long after a woman with black hair came in. She had clothes folded on her arm. She introduced herself "Hi, I'm Lee Thompkins. Medical examiner here at the GCPD." She held out a hand for me to shake. I looked down at the table where my hands were chained up. She said a small 'oh' and quickly unchained me. I shook her hand and rubbed my wrists. She sat down in the chair across from me "I know this is a weird question but do you know why Ed cut himself?" I was still stunned at the fact that he did that. "Yeah..." I debated telling her but decided to tell her the truth "I didn't know till about one or two weeks ago. I think his stepdad's pretty abusive. We were hanging out the day before he ran away and when he saw the time, he was pretty scared...and when I saw him the next day, he had more scars than the day before". I paused "I mean more scars because he got in a fight the day before". "What do you mean abusive?". I thought about the day he ran away "When I got to the house, it smelled very strongly of weed and alcohol". She nodded and handed me the clothes "Get changed and then we can call your parents and get them to pick you up". I took the clothes "Um, Mrs Thompkins-" I started. She looked at me "Please, call me Lee". I nodded "Oh, ok. Um, my mom's at work". She smiled "Then I guess I'm driving you home". She showed me to the bathroom and I quickly got changed. It was a band t-shirt, jeans and a varsity jacket. I heard Jim and Lee talking when I came out. Jim was holding her shoulders "Lee come on". She chuckled "Oh, you're jealous that I'm driving a boy home. Yes Jim, I'm leaving you for a sixteen year old". I came out from around the corner "I- I'm ready". Lee kissed Jim's cheek and led me to her car. I got into the passenger side and she got in the driver's side. "So where do you live?" she asked. "D-Downtown" she nodded and stuck the keys In the ignition. We started down the roads and she started speaking "I'm sure Ed's fine. Jim and the rest of the officers are working very hard to find him". I nodded "What's going to happen to Ed when he's found?". She didn't speak for a moment "Well... I'm not completely sure. But I know that I'll fight with him no matter what". She pulled into the side and smiled at me "We're here". I smiled back at her "Thank you for driving me home". She held my shoulder and rubbed it "Anytime. If you hear anything from Ed, here's my number". She wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I thanked her again and walked up the stairs to my apartment.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now