Who's the boss?

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-Edwards view-

I parked the car in the garage and we snuck upstairs to the top floor. The lights were off so I flipped the light switch. Jerome and I both sighed a breath of relief when no one was there. I put the keys back on the hook and sat at the kitchen table. Jerome flopped himself onto my lap "How was that?". I glared at him "Terrible!". He stood up and made his way to the kitchen. I pulled out my phone. Text from an unknown number. I opened my messages and read the text. Ed, it's me Oswald I know you don't want to talk to me but please don't block me. "How did you get a hold of me?" I mumbled out loud. "Huh?" Jerome said from the kitchen. I looked back at him "Oh, nothing". My head flooded with questions. I left him on read for several minutes as I gathered my thoughts. Fine. Was all I decided to text. I waited for an answer. Until Jerome grabbed my phone and ran "Jerome! No, now's not the time!" I whisper yelled. I flew up and Jerome started reading the texts. I finally got a hold of him and tried to grab my phone. I pushed him around but he was much stronger than me. We ended up on the balcony and I was still jumping up trying to snatch my phone from him. I pushed his hand and my phone fell out of his hand. Down it went off the balcony, onto the streets. I ran to the staircase and sprinted down. Holding onto the thought that my phone survived the fall. I made it to the street and found my shattered phone on the sidewalk. I scooped up the glass shards giving my hand several cuts. I threw the glass and put my face in my hands. My blood smeared onto my face but I ignored it. I felt tears in my eyes but blinked them away. I slowly got up to my feet and walked into the tower. I climbed up the stairs and walked to my room. It's better that I don't talk to Oswald. I have Jerome now. I told myself. The doorknob jiggled and Jerome entered. "Hey, sorry about your phone,". I shrugged "It's fine, don't need it anyways". He jumped onto the bed and laid beside me. He kissed my forehead and moved down to my neck. I chuckled and he buried his face into my chest. I soon fell asleep.

-Time skip presented by the GCPD-

I woke up to Jerome still buried in my chest. I sighed and climbed out of bed. I got changed and Jerome woke up. "Hey beautiful" he said, stretching. I smiled and he got out of bed. He kissed my cheek and raided my closet. He pulled out a white t-shirt and blue jeans. "Hey! Those are my clothes!" I whined. "Too bad, mine now," He said, pulling off his shirt. I stared at his chest and he smiled. "I know, I'm sexy as fuck," he said. I blushed and stuttered. He left the room, leaving me a stuttering mess. I finally left my room and found Jerome at the table, already shoving food into his mouth. I sat beside Jerome and he kissed my forehead. I smiled and he laughed "You're cute,". My blush grew darker (if that's possible). Greenwood interrupted our moment by sitting across from us and snatching several doughnuts from the plate on the table. I grabbed a doughnut and put it on my plate. "You don't eat much do you?" Greenwood asked. I shrugged "I guess not". He smirked "Or are you starving yourself?". I panicked and lied "No!". Jerome slammed his fist on the table "Shut up Greenwood!". His smirk only grew "Standing up for your boyfriend huh?" he mocked. Jerome stood up and brought me up with him. "Yeah I am" then he kissed me. We kissed for over a minute and Greenwood just stared in shock. We finally separated and I heard murmurs of people. I turned around and saw everyone staring at us. Shit. Barbara and Tabitha smiled and everyone else looked shocked. I cleared my throat and sat down. Tabitha and Barbara left to do their own things but everyone else sat down at the table. I felt eyes on me but averted my eyes so I was looking down at my plate. Theo was the one who broke the unbearable silence. "Fine job, gentlemen. We opened big! The whole city knows your name now. So, bravo! Let's give ourselves a round of applause!" Everyone clapped their hands "Now that we have Gotham's attention, it's time for the Maniax to make a grand entrance". Jerome looked confused for a second but quickly changed his expression "Wasn't that it?" He asked. Theo walked around the table "That was the overture. Now the audience is hushed, expectant. The curtain rises,". Jerome looks engaged "Then what?". Theo continues "Oh, then we confront gothamites with their most primal fears, take from them all they hold dear and sacred,". Jerome looks excited to start "And then what happens?" He asks again. Theo pauses for a moment "Why then, we offer them salvation and then they are ours,". Greenwood interrupts "Let's get busy, man". Theo holds out his hand to stop him "Patience. First, you gentlemen need to learn a little stagecraft". "Stagecraft?" Greenwood says with his mouth full of doughnut. "You're going to be on TV. You have to present yourself with style and vigor." Theo tells us "Dobkins, say 'good evening, ladies and gentlemen',". "Good evening ladies and gentleman" Dobkins says pathetically. Theo looks disappointed "Again, with a smile". Dobkins plasters on a weak, fake smile and repeats "Good evening ladies and gentlemen". Theo sighs deeply and turns to Greenwood "You". Greenwood sucks the chocolate off his fingers and I nearly gag at the noise he makes. He clears his throat "Good evening ladies and gentlemen!". I try not to laugh at how over dramatic it was. "Not bad, sinister and authoritative" Theo says and turns to Aaron but quickly changes his mind when he sees Aaron has his mouth full. He turns to Jerome instead "Jerome?". Jerome stands up on his chair "Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!" He smiles at me at the end and I blush. Jerome cackles and Theo chuckles "The laugh is fabulous, use that". Theo's eyes land on me and everyone else stares. I shrug and stand up "Good evening...ladies and gentlemen!" I say and sit down. Theo looks impressed "wow Mr. Nygma, very good". I scratch my neck in embarrassment "I'm a fan of the performing arts"

-time skippppp-

Theo led us to a room with boxes of weapons. I stared in awe for a second but quickly advanced forward to look through them. A black gun caught my eye and I reached in to examine it. I looked over and saw Jerome admiring a large Katana. Greenwood swooped over and snatched the katana from his hands. "Oh, shiny" he said, scanning his eyes over the blade. Jerome looked pissed "Give that back". Greenwood laughed "I saw it first". Jerome puts his hand out "No you didn't. Give it back,". Greenwood smirks "Make me, you little brat,". Dobkins cheers slightly in the background. Jerome chuckles "Your samurai skills are excellent Greenwood san, but they are nothing compared to me!" Jerome pulls a chainsaw from one of the bins and starts revving it "Prepare to die!" He says before attacking him. They clash the two weapons together and Theo enters the room "that would be enough!". Dobkins points at the two "I tried stopping them!". I scoff at his immaturity and return to the bin of weapons in front of me. Theo continues "Boys we're a team, we don't fight amongst ourselves". "Yeah boys were a team!" Dobkins butts in again. Greenwood chuckles "And im the captain". Jerome's smile fades "Captain of my foot". Greenwood looks at Jerome "I've murdered a dozen women, terrorized the city. What have you done? Chop up your mommy?". Jerome twitches slightly "Everybody has to start somewhere," He pauses "See, I have a vision and ambition and brains. You're just a nutty old cannibal! how many people can you eat before that shtick gets old?". Greenwood approaches Jerome and looks him up and down "I could eat one more". Theo nods and reaches in his back pocket "I can see we're going to have to resolve this problem once and for all" he pulls out a gun and empty's out all the bullets except one. He holds the bullet up "We're all familiar with this game, right?". Jerome nods "Oh, love it!". Theo holds the gun out "Who wants to be the boss?". Jerome motions to the gun "Ladies first,". Greenwood takes the gun and hesitates for a second before putting it to his head. He pulls the trigger and flinches. He laughs and hands it off to Jerome. He cocks it and looks up at Greenwood while putting it to his head "Hey Greenwood, what's the secret to good comedy?" the gun clicks "Timing". Greenwood's smile fades as Jerome cocks it again and puts it to his head. I put down the pistol I was holding and approached Jerome. I grab his arm "Jerome stop, it's not worth it!". He smiles and kisses my forehead "I'm fine,hun". I sigh and back up. He turns back to Greenwood "and what's courage?". Click. "Grace under pressure,". Jerome cocks it again "and who's the boss?". Click. "I'm the boss," Jerome lets out a low cackle and extends the gun out to Greenwood. Greenwood looks at the gun before Theo slowly grabs it out of Jeromes hand. "Yes Jerome, I believe you are.". Jerome bows "Arigato Sensei'' He takes the katana and runs off with it.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now