Guess what?

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-Oswald's view-

"Oswald! Wake up!" A familiar voice was saying my name and shaking me. I groaned. "Why are you waking me up so early?" I said pulling the blankets over my head. The blanket was pulled down, revealing Ivy. "It's not early! It's 1:00!". I groaned again "Too earlyyy!". Ivy grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. She told me to get dressed and get out. I sighed and trudged over to the closet. I put on some jeans and a hoodie. After getting dressed, I went into the kitchen and found breakfast at the table. I sat down and yawned. "Mornin" Ivy said from across the table. "Hungry," was all I said before dumping an unhealthy amount of hash browns onto my plate. She pointed at my messy hair and laughed "you look like a penguin,". I gave her a sarcastic smile and continued eating. She put her head in her palm and looked at me "Guess what we're doing today?". I finished chewing and looked at her "hopefully nothing physical". Her smile grew "Someone saw him and Jerome at a party and they followed them to where they're staying,". I stopped eating and looked at her in shock "Do you know where he is?". She nodded excitedly "Galavan tower,". I put my fork down and stood up "Bye mom! Ivy and I will be out for a while!". She looked at me "We aren't gonna finish breakfast?". I shook my head "Breakfast can wait''. She shoved the rest of food into her mouth, grabbed her purse and followed me. I grabbed my phone and jacket and left with Ivy trailing behind me. We hailed a taxi and sat in silence, I was thinking about the possibilities of seeing Ed again and Ivy... she was on her phone. I turned to her "Who're you texting?". She took her eyes off her phone to look at me "My friend Victor, you should meet him sometime". The taxi stopped and we hopped out. Ivy went to an alley beside the tower to wait and I went to the back. I didn't know what we were waiting for, but I waited. It had been about a half hour before I got a text from Ivy. I see him. I got out of my hiding spot behind a trash bin and ran to the alleyway. I crouched down and ran to Ivy's spot behind her trash bin. Sure enough, there he was. Smoking a cigarette. I looked at Ivy and whispered "What do we do?". She thought for a moment "I took a combat class thingey, I can knock him out?". I thought of how stupid of an idea that was but decided to go with it "Uh, sure we can try it,". She stood up and ran at him. Before he got a chance to turn, Ivy jumped onto his back and wrapped her arms around his throat. He started gagging and clawing at Ivy's arms. He pushed her against a wall, but she still held on. I watched as he hit her against a wall again, and again, and again. He kept hitting her but it continued to get weaker as he was losing breath. He fell to his knees before falling to his stomach. I ran over and made sure Ed was still breathing. After making sure he was alive, I stood up. Ivy looked at me "I lied, I didn't take a combat class,". I looked back at her and laughed "Ivy, my god!". I looked down at Ed "I'm going to tell my mom to pick us up here". Ivy nodded and moved Ed's limp body to her hiding spot behind the trash can. I texted my mom and crouched beside Ivy. The alley was empty while we waited, besides a stray dog running through. Finally my mom arrived, Ivy and I grabbed Ed and carried him to the truck. As we dragged him, someone came out through the alley door and called Ed's name. After seeing us carrying him away, he ran towards Ivy and I. I panicked "Ivy, let's go faster!". We rushed to push him into the backseat of the truck, I was last to climb into the truck. My mom looked shocked and I closed the door "We need to hurry!". She started driving away from the tower. We got away but not without Ivy almost getting shot in the shoulder. My mom stopped after a few minutes of driving "Oswald, who was that?". I hesitated for a moment "Jerome Valeska,". She looked at me like I was crazy "and... who is that?" she said pointing at Ed's limp body. Me and Ivy held him upright "It's Ed... oh, don't worry he's not dead". She took a deep breath before driving home. I looked at Ivy and she smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now