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-Ed's POV-

They had kept me in the questioning room for a while. I assumed people were watching me through the glass but I'd never know. I fidgeted with my hands, which were handcuffed to the table. The door finally opened and Detective Gordon and Detective Bullock walked in. They both sat down in the chairs across from me. Jim spoke first "Who took you?". I looked down "Theo Galavan. He had his sister Tabitha steal us from Arkham. I wasn't supposed to be taken I just chose the wrong group of people to hang out with, I guess". Jim furrowed his eyebrows "Theo Galavan? What would he have to do with a bunch of inmates?". I scratched my wrists  "He said something about his family building this city and now he wants to take it back". Jim was deep in thought "Wrong group of people? What do you mean?". I shrugged "Jerome, Barbara, Aaron, Greenwood, Arnold, Robert". He nodded and  this time Bullock spoke "But why did you do what Galavan asked? You didn't have to kill all those innocent people". I shook my head "I had too, he would kill anyone who didn't do what he asked. That's why Robert's dead". Jim nodded "Where is this operation located?". I thought for a moment "A large tower in the middle of Gotham, top floor". Jim nodded again "Galavan tower. Thank you, Ed". They both left the room, leaving me alone again. I heard a familiar voice behind me. Riddler. He spoke quietly "If you weren't so reckless, Jerome would still be alive. It 's your fault he's dead". Tears stung my eyes "I'm sorry...". He walked in front of me and slammed his hands on the table "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU WHO DIED LAST NIGHT!". I put my head in my hands, I was already shaking. He continued to yell at me.

-Lee's POV-

I walked past the interrogation room and decided to check on Ed. I looked through the glass and saw him shaking and crying. I immediately ran to the door and opened it. He didn't notice me come in. I sprinted over to him and put my hand on his back "Ed! Are you okay?". He looked at me "Lee?". I hugged him "Are you okay?". He nodded "Uh, yeah...".  I looked him in the eyes "Are you sure? Because you can talk to me Ed". He nodded again "Y-Yeah, I'm fine". I looked at his hands and remembered his handcuffs "Oh, yeah. Let me go get the keys. Will you be fine on your own for a moment?". He nodded and I left the room. 

-Ed's POV-

Lee left the room and I looked at the table. He was still there, he was standing in the corner this time, just staring at me. He whispered "Let me take the wheel for a bit, Ed. You won't regret it". I ignored him and continued looking at the table. Luckily, Lee came back with the keys "Are you sure you're okay, Ed?". I nodded "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up, I guess". I chuckled nervously. She took the handcuffs off and I rubbed my wrists and hugged me tightly "We'll figure something out for you". I nodded again. She lead me out of the room and to Officer Gordon's desk. She looked at me "Want some food?". I shook my head "No thanks, I'm not hungry". She gave me a sympathetic smile and walked away to deal with her own duties. Soon after, Jim sat down at his desk "Hey Ed. Uh, how are you feeling?". I shrugged "Fine, I guess". He nodded "That's good...". He was quiet for a moment "Ed, do you have anywhere to go?". I shrugged "I guess not anymore. The only real family I had was my mother but she was...distant to say the least...I have my stepdad but he's not much of a father figure". I chuckled in an attempt to relieve my stress. Captain Barnes  walked up to Jim and whispered something into his ear. Jim looked at me before talking harshly to him "I can't let you do that". Captain Barnes stared Jim in the eyes "It's not your decision, Office Gordon". Jim sighed and stood up, walking away from everything. I looked up at Captain Barnes "What was that all about?". He stopped for a moment "We're trying to choose where you're going". I bit my tongue "Where am I going?". "You're going back to your stepfather, he's going to be your legal guardian". I felt tears pricking the corners of my eyes, but ignored it "No, please just send me to Arkham. I don't want to go back there". He shook his head "I'm sorry Son, the decisions already been chosen. We're getting the arrangements in order". 

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Where stories live. Discover now