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-A few months after the last chapter-

-Ed's POV-

Lee and I walked out of the legal office together. She was now my legal guardian. It finally happened. After a while and a lot of legal action, it happened.

She hugged me and I hugged back "Lee, we won"

She chuckled "Yeah Ed, we did"

She put her arm around my shoulder as we walked back to her car. I got into the passenger seat and she turned to me "So, do you wanna go pick out some decor for your room?"

"Lee... you don't have to"

She put a hand on my shoulder "Ed, I want you to be as comfortable as you can at my house... and that may mean some decor. So, do you wanna go pick up some decor for your room?"

I smiled widely "Sure"

-Time skip-

We had finished in the store and we were in the car, going back to Lee's house. She spoke as she drove "How are you feeling Ed? You know, with everything that's happened. You've been through a lot"

I sighed "Some days are harder than others but... I just try to stay strong and remember what I have"

"That's a good way of thinking"

She pulled into her parking spot and turned to me, smiling "Are you ready?"

I nodded and chuckled "I'm ready"

We left the car and made our way into the building. I fiddled with my fingers as we walked down the apartment hallways and up the stairs. We finally made it to her door and she opened it. 

When she opened it, we were bombarded with a synchronized "WELCOME HOME!"

I looked around at everyone in the apartment, Jim, Oswald, His mother, Ivy and a boy I didn't know. I smiled and walked into the apartment. I gave Oswald and Jim a hug and gave Oswald's mother a kiss on the cheek. Oswald introduced me to Ivy and the other three.

"Ed, this is Ivy. The one who um, choked you out"

I shook her hand "Nice to meet you"

She smiled "No hard feelings?"

I chuckled "No hard feelings."

Oswald turned to the male "Victor Zsasz"

I went to shake Victor's hand but instead he pulled me into a hug, I was stiff but wrapped my arms around him, I looked at Oswald quizzically but he shrugged. Victor let go and looked at me "Nice to meet you, Ed"

I grinned "Same to you"

We spent the evening telling stories and talking about different kids in our school. By the end of it, I felt like I had known Ivy and Victor my whole life. By 11:30, all of the guests had left except Oswald. 

We were sitting on the metal stairs outside, talking when I pulled out my pack of Cigarettes. I lit it and took a large puff of it and then exhaled it into the cold air. I held it out to Oswald "Wanna try?"

Oswald shook his head "Ed, you should stop smoking, it's not good for you"

I nodded "Yeah, I know... I'm working on it. I mean, it's a work in progress"

Oswald put his head on my shoulder and I stiffened. He didn't seem to notice "Ed, I'm really proud of you. You really picked yourself up"

I leaned my head against his "I couldn't have gotten this far without you... thank you Oswald, For everything. You've been really good to me"

Everything was silent for a moment. The world seemed to stop just for me and Oswald. I put my head up and looked at him "Oswald... I-I love you"

He turned his head up as well and smiled "I love you too Ed"

We looked each other in the eyes for a moment before I leaned in, placing my lips against his. I placed my hand on his neck as the kiss deepened lightly. We finally pulled away for air and I put my forehead onto his. I chuckled breathlessly "We should probably go inside, we'll catch our death out here"

Oswald smiled and nodded. We walked into the apartment together, hand in hand.

-Time skip-

I watched out the window as Oswald walked home. Once he was out of sight, I walked into the living room with Lee. She smiled at me "I saw you and Oswald on the balcony"

I blushed "I don't know what you mean"

She laughed "Hey, don't be embarrassed. We all knew it was going to happen sooner or later"

I hid my face and that made her laugh harder "So, tell me the details"

I looked at her, still blushing "Well, we were just talking and then I just... kissed him"

"Aw, that's so sweet"

"Lee... thanks for taking me in"

She hugged me "I'm just glad I can help"

We stayed like this for a while, until I yawned. Lee patted my hair "You better be getting off to bed, you return to school tomorrow"

Oh yeah....School.... 


I sighed and stood up "Goodnight Lee"

"Goodnight Ed"

Once I was in my room, I flopped onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling, thinking about school. I soon found my mind drifting to Oswald. I smiled as I thought about what happened on the balcony.

Things were starting to look better.

(I know that was a very large time skip but I felt like it would be better that way)

{Over The Edge Of Insanity} (Nygmobblepot)[Teenage AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant