//Chapter 42//

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-Ed's POV-

I opened my eyes and immediately squinted in the white light. I blinked, adjusting to the blaring glow. I heard a familiar chuckle "Thank Christ you're finally awake. I'll text Jim, Lee and Oswald. Tell them you're awake"

I rubbed my eyes "Jeremiah?"

He nodded "Yeah?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad to see you."

"I'm glad to see you too- Alright, they're coming. They were just getting food."

Jeremiah sat down in the chair beside me and smiled "Jerome's dead."

I couldn't help but feel the pang in my chest but shrugged anyways "Yeah, I saw his body before I passed out. Brutal."

Jeremiah sighed, looking down "He... had it coming. After all he did."

The room was silent for a moment before the door opened and the three walked in. Lee walked directly to the bed, hugging me and planting a kiss on my forehead "Hungry?"


Oswald walked over beside me next and hugged me, chuckling "Jesus Ed, this is becoming a trend with you"

"I know, I need to stop getting injured. I've become a regular here."

Jim stood at the end of the bed "You doing okay, kid?"

I nodded "As good as I can be considering that I was shot."

Lee passed me a sandwich and soda, I ate slowly and listened to the conversation in the room. An all-to-familiar figure appeared behind everyone, laughing "Come on... this? This is pathetic."

I shook my head, ignoring him and whispering "He's not real."

He shrugged "I'm not real, but at least I don't hide from what WE TRULY ARE!! We are genius! We could be running this city but you choose this! Let me take over the body. Just for a bit. I could show you what we're capable of.". I turned away, looking at Oswald and Jeremiah, he tsk-d behind me "Jerome never tried to stop us. You miss him. I know you do. I can feel it.". 

I covered my ears, closing my eyes tightly "JUST-JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!". Everyone stopped talking and stared at me, I looked down and took a shaky breath "I-I'm sorry, I... I don't know what came over me..."

He chuckled beside me "Wow... don't you look like a fucking idiot now"

Lee placed her hand on mine "Are you okay?"

"Yes... I'm fine. Just a bit discombobulated, I guess..."

She eyed me wearily but nodded "Okay"

Oswald stood up "I'm going to head home. Feel better soon, Ed."

Jeremiah did the same "I think it would be best if I left as well. Get some rest."

Jim left to walk the two to their cars and Lee turned to me "Was it him again?"

I looked down, nodding "Y-Yeah"

"Is he still here?"

I brought my head up again to look at him, he grinned at me "Go on, tell her"

"N-No, he was only here for a moment..."

He laughed "Can't even tell your precious mommy about your problems, huh? Scared she'll send you back to the asylum?"

She gave me a sympathetic smile "Okay... tell me if he comes back"

I nodded "I will..."

She removed her hand off mine and grabbed her purse "Jim and I are going to head home. We'll be back to pick you up when you get discharged" She kissed my forehead and smiled at me before leaving.

He watched her leave "And off she goes. Just like every other parental figure in your life."

"She's different..."

"Is she? I mean, all you do is lie to her. All. The fucking. Time."

"I just don't want to bother her with my problems"

"Makes sense. You are insane after all."

"I'm not insane. Not anymore. Lee helped me."

"You can't stop insanity, Ed. Lee just forced you to push it all down. Jim forced you to push it all down. OSWALD forced you to push it down! Jerome loved you for who you were!"

"Doesn't matter. Jerome's dead."

"I can help you let it out. Let me take control Ed. We will fucking run this shithole of a city."

I could feel tears in my eyes "No. Leave me the fuck ALONE!!". He was still there. Watching me. I could feel my body shake as I put my head in my hands and sobbed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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