Chapter Eleven!

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Turns out I was correct; Ra’s had bugged the car.

I pulled up to the airport and there were people waiting outside with a sign reading ‘Katrina Boudreaux’ near the curb. I stopped the car and a very good-looking guy walked over and opened my door.

“Good morning Miss Boudreaux. Your plane tickets are waiting for you at your terminal.” He smiled the whole time he spoke and helped me out of the car. He was dressed in a black suit with a crisp, white shirt underneath. His black hair was spiked up in a very attractive way; if I do say so myself. His eyes were this stunning hazel color… wait, no! “Is everything alright Katrina?” He smirked.

“Yes it is Mister Ninja.” I growled under my breath. He just chuckled and grabbed my bags out of the back. When he reached for my cane I darted my hand in front of his. “I’ll carry that.” I spoke quickly. He raised his eyebrows at me, but said nothing. One of the other people shut the trunk and we were on our way inside. We walked inside and took an escalator up to the terminal.

“Shouldn’t we have gone through security?” I asked after we sat down near one of the windows. The ninja guy just chuckled and sat back in his chair and stretched.

“Did you really want to go through security with your cane, knife, and gun?” He gave me a very attractive smirk and I couldn’t help the hot feeling that crept up into my face.

“Well, when you put it that way.” I laughed to myself. “I guess not.”

“That’s what I thought.” He nodded.

“So, ninja guy, can I get your name or is that frowned upon by ‘The Great Demon?’” I smirked up at him. He simply smiled and looked outside at the aircraft that was being prepped for the next flight to Gotham City.

“Our ride is ready.” He stood up and offered little more than the mischievous glint in his eyes. I stood and smoothed out my shirt before grabbing my bag of assorted weapons, following his smooth and steady strides onto the plane.


“It’s so cold up here.” My teeth chattered while we waited for a car to arrive. “Look,” I turned to face the ninja. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company, but I need to go get what Ra’s wants. Alone.”

“Of course.” He smiled innocently down at my shivering figure. “Let me drive you to your home first, it’s the courteous thing to do.” He motioned to the black Lexus that now sat in front of us, the engine running. After a few seconds of debating I nodded and climbed into the luxurious car.

Ninja boy drove silently, giving me a chance to contemplate how I would go about getting under the pond in the park. Now that I actually stopped to think about it, wouldn’t Ra’s have found the box if my parents had left it in the city? Maybe it was in the sewers that were occupied by Grundy; no one would want to go down there. I sighed and rested my head against the cool glass, trying to hold onto my crumbling patients with my parents.

“We’re here Miss Wayne.” He said, his wondrously brown eyes searching for something in my own. I looked away and out the windshield, staring up at the Wayne Mansion.

“Joy.” I muttered. “Bruce is going to kill me.” I sighed as I turned around to grab my things out of the back seat. “Where am I supposed to meet Ra’s when I find what he wants?” I asked before leaving the warmth of the car.

“The card, the shipping warehouse.” He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Right.” I muttered, remembering it in my pocket. “Well,” my voice louder as I opened the door and a gust of wind hit my face. “I’ll see y’all soon.” I stood and shut the door behind me.

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