Chapter 22

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“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Jason chuckled a few feet away. I sat up and looked around the hotel room; it was expensive looking.

“How’d you manage this?” I yawned, raising an eyebrow at him. He walked into the kitchen and started flipping pancakes, smirking the whole time.

“I paid for it downstairs,” he shrugged, fixing a grey t-shirt that hung loosely over blue jeans.

The room looked like something from the movies. There were crystal-looking chandeliers in the living room and kitchen areas, sending out tremendous amounts of light. The walls were a dark gold, covered in expensive looking art and gilded mirrors. The living room had a huge flat-screen TV on the wall opposite me and three sofas. I was currently laying down on the most comfortable couch in human existence; it was some sort of suede material. The kitchen had granite countertops, a minibar, and was fully stocked with food and drinks. There were three other doors, but they were all closed so my best guess was that they were bedrooms and a bathroom.

“You paid for it?” I chuckled, arching my back over the armrest I was previously using as a pillow. I felt the usual pops at the base of my spine before I stood up and walked over to the fridge. “With what, stolen money?”

“Not necessarily.” He gave me a small smile. “I worked for that money.”

“Of course you did; my bad,” I smirked, finding the milk. “This, you will never see again.” I shook the jug in front of him and he rolled his eyes.

“I don’t care Katrina.” Jason chuckled and went back to flipping more pancakes. “Just don’t dirty the place, okay?”

“Yes sir.” I went back to the couch and turned on the TV.

“This is Vicky Vale reporting on last night’s bank robbery.” Vale’s face took up the whole screen, her blonde hair brushed perfectly and her voice just as aggravating as ever.

“Look Jason, we made the news,” I snorted, then took a huge gulp of milk.

“The security footage hasn’t been released yet, but we have eye-witness accounts that put Two Face and two others at the heart of the crime.”

“Great, they don’t even have names for us yet.” I sighed feign distress. Jason came over to sit down next to me with two plates of pancakes, setting one of them in front of me.

“They’re not poisoned.” He kept his eyes glued to the screen and started eating.

“Why did you even-“ I started to ask about last night but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

“There was this girl. She looked so familiar, like I’ve seen her before, you know?” A guy said. He looked to be about twenty-three-ish and I sure as heck didn’t remember seeing him.

“What did she look like?” Vicky pressed, giving the camera one of the fakest looks of interest I’d ever seen.

“She was about this high,” He motioned to just under his shoulders. “And had long, brown hair that reached almost to the middle of her back. She was wearing all black and didn’t have any shoes.”

“Was she trying to be quieter or did she just forget them at home?” She tried to joke about it with him and he started to get this star-gazing look in his eyes while he thought about something.

“No, she didn’t even walk in with Two Face.” He cut off Vicky’s laugh. “In fact, no one saw her until this guy with a mask stepped out from the people crowded against the wall. He greeted her, like he knew she was there the whole time. The weird part was that she wasn’t on the ground; she was in the ceiling.”

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