Chatper 17 =)

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A heartbeat.

A single heartbeat filled my ears and made my own pound. He lived. I looked up through blurry eyes to see Jonathan sleeping peacefully. Thank you I thought, looking for his guardian angel somewhere. The door opened behind me and closed shortly after.

“Where in the world have you been?” Gordon sighed. I looked up at him with a small smile on my face.

“Missed you too Commissioner.” I choked out. After clearing my throat I stood up and walked closer to the small boy tucked under the thin blue sheets. Whatever he dreamed of was fairly tame and relaxing; good for him. My hand hovered over his forehead as I contemplated if a touch would disturb his peaceful slumber. In the end I pulled my hand back and turned to the older man watching me carefully.

“Do you want to talk somewhere else?” he asked quietly and I nodded, following him out of the room.

The doctors and nurses all came out to watch as I walked out of the building with the commissioner. Maybe it was because I had just saved all their patients. But it was probably because of the massive amount of blood on my body. Nah, it was that I just saved the power. I climbed into Gordon’s police car and sat up front, looking at his laptop.

“So, texting and driving is against the law and you get a laptop?” I raised an eyebrow at him as we approached a red light.

“I don’t use it and drive at the same time.” He smirked out the windshield as the light turned green.

“Sure, sure.” I chuckled. He turned around a corner and stopped in front of the police building. “You want me to walk into a police building covered in blood after showing the world I can zap people?” I grinned.

“Something like that.” Gordon smiled at me. “We’ve got clothes you can change into and a shower you can use.”

“You just don’t want me to disappear again.” I joked, seeing that it was very much true.

“Your… Richard Grayson has been worried about you and been down to the station multiple times to see if you were okay.”

What? Ricky was asking the police if they knew where I was? Nightwing can do a better job at getting information… why would he show up here as a regular person?

“We’ve called him to let him know we found you.”

That’s why.

“Alright, I’ll go take a shower.” I smiled at him before I got out of his car. Quite a few people gave me second and third glances; do I have something on my face? I raised a hand to my face only to feel blood crusted to my skin and hair. “Well, now I see why everyone’s giving me glances as if I’ve killed someone.” I snickered to myself. Gordon tried to cover his laugh with a cough, but I caught it.

I threw open the double-doors and everything inside stopped. There were men and women of uniform everywhere, just staring at me. A few of them even put their hands on the guns strapped to their sides; way to make a girl feel special. I just flashed my biggest grinned and continued walking.

“G’day everyone!” I exclaimed, giggling to myself. “No need to stop and gawk! Continue on with whatever busy business-things you were doing! There are still clowns that need to be rounded up. Not to mention the fact that no one knows what happened to Joker. I mean, after I left-“

“Kat, that’s enough.” Gordon said sternly from behind me.

“I was just saying, shouldn’t they be doing something productive like-“

“They’re doing their jobs just fine.” He gave me a look that bordered on glaring.

“Which is why Joker’s accounted for?” I asked, meaning no disrespect. Gordon let out a slow breath and actually did glare at me. “I’ll go find those showers now.” I muttered, hustling away from the group of confused and angered cops.

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