Chapter 40

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--- Katrina’s POV---

There was nothing around when I woke up.




The park was dark and empty of every person that was there when I fell asleep. The light posts were on along the walkways, but were dim. I hadn’t moved yet, still feeling drowsy from my nap, and felt quite relaxed on the branch; more than I expected. The city sparkled at the edge of the park while cars zoomed by leaving their own light on the trees and benches. The shadows around the park gave off a creepy vibe, so contradictory to the rest of the city.

I pulled one of my arms under my stomach before pushing up against the branch. Half sitting up, I could see that a person was approaching. They were tall and wore a long coat which was odd for such a warm night, but the moment a strip of white hair appeared under one of the lamps I knew who it was. Ra’s stopped and smiled from under the light.

“Come out, Katrina. It’s time for you to prove you learned something earlier today.”

Turning my ring and finding the notch that would dispel my illusion, I dropped to the ground and approached him. Ra’s’ plan worried me; they always did.

“What am I doing tonight?”

“Nothing you haven’t done before,” he shrugged. “Come.”

He and I began to walk down the streets. Ra’s smoothly melded into the crowd, no one looking at him funny or giving him second glances. I did try my best to relax and blend in, but every once in a while someone would glance my way or stare a second too long. We continued to wander around for twenty minutes, heading down busier and busier streets until we came across a building with searchlights, red carpet, and flashing cameras.

“There’s a Gala tonight for all the celebrities from Gotham, Metropolis, and Sterling City. The rich and powerful as well as favorite faces from the big screens are all meeting tonight in efforts to show off their wealth in fundraising for the different corporations.”

“So the rich and powerful are hosting an event to make them richer and more powerful,” I snorted. “I’m assuming you want me to rob them seeing as this is like, the third one of these things I’ve been around and that seems to be the common objective.”

“I want you to watch,” Ra’s raised an eyebrow. “I want you to watch and not be watched. There are things more important to me than money. Here.” Ra’s handed me something that looked to be an earpiece and I clipped it on my right ear. “This will allow both you and me to hear anything being said by anyone within twenty yards of you. Your hearing is already exceptional, this is merely a tool that will allow me to hear a fraction of what you normally can. Tonight I will expect you to move silently and invisibly. If you have an incident like earlier today, there could be terrible repercussions.”

I nodded silently and as if on cue, Ra’s disappeared.

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