Chapter eight

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I threw my door open and was greeted by dark silence. Everyone must still be listening to whatever was happening at the wedding, but not me, I couldn’t take it. I took a small step in and closed my door, sinking to the marble floor and letting the rest of my tears fall down my already stained face. How could I have been so blind to this? Of course there was something still between Ed and Luna. It was always there; I just ignored it and figured he was mine. I could hear a car engine shut off outside so I stood up and looked out the window to see it was Chris. I didn’t move as he opened the door and shut it again, still leaving the lights off.

“Katrina.” His voice was soft and I sucked in a deep breath to keep from breaking down again. “What flavor ice cream?”

“Vanilla.” I tried to smile a little but it felt odd. Chris walked off and I stood there, just gazing out of the window.

“Come on Kat, leave the window and come sit down.” Chris called from the couch. I looked at the clock on the TV that was now on to see I’d stood there for an hour. The coffee table held a tub of ice cream that was covered in condensation, a two-liter of Dr Pepper, a bag of Three Musketeers, and a King Cake from Gambino’s Bakery.

“What’s all that for?” My voice cracked a little and he smirked.

“You. I know how you like to eat when you go through some emotional crisis.” He teased. I quickly sat next to him and opened the box containing the King Cake.

“This smells great.” A smile quickly spread across my face as he handed me a fork and a plate. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” He shrugged and flipped to a channel showing Beauty and the Beast.

“Disney?” I raised an eyebrow as I took a huge bite of the soft dough.

“Of course!” He exclaimed in mock surprise. I smiled and closed my eyes, grateful that I had someone who hasn’t lied to me, tried to kill me, or broken my heart on several occasions. I thought I heard my front door open but ignored it as I dashed into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk. After all, what idiot is going to try to steal something from me? I came back into the living room to see Chris fast asleep on the couch and a closed front door.

I watched TV for another thirty minutes before deciding to head upstairs and sleep. I left Chris sprawled out on my sofa and started climbing my staircase. My head started pounding and it got hard to breath by the time I reached the top step. Not again, I thought. I can’t start feeling bad again. I walked past all the other rooms and finally reached my parent’s room to see Luna’s dress lying across the bed. So someone had walked into my house. I threw her dress to the ground and fell onto the mattress, immediately blanking out; enjoying the realm that is my dreams.

Kitty Kat, Kitty Kat, where are you hiding?

Who are you?

Well, that’s the mystery isn’t it?

Oh God, Riddler got into my head.

Do not offend me so, I am no he.



Really? Because you’re aggravating me just like they do.

No, I am neither one but both.

Get out of my head.

I cannot do that.

Why? Why can’t you leave me alone?

How does one leave a reflection? You cannot leave yourself Katrina, for I am you.

“STOP IT!” I yelled, falling onto the floor. I opened my eyes to see sunlight coming through the window and could feel the bass of some song pulsing through my house. I sat up and looking around, remembering everything from yesterday. Edward... I don’t know if I should start crying again or plot his death. Poor Jonathan though, I’d give him a call later. I felt something under my hand and looked down to see Luna’s dress. It really was pretty, but I didn’t want to see it so I threw it under the bed frame. I stood up, making my way to the closet to look for clothes. After a few minutes of just pushing hangers every which way I decided on faded blue jeans and a plain black tee. I changed quickly before going down stairs.

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