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it's been another two months. two months since the start of quarantine, making it june 2020.

it's been hard, especially on noah. he misses his father more than anything right now.

jonah and the boys have been busy recording for their new album... he facetimes noah nearly every chance he gets.

it's almost cute watching them have full length conversations over the phone. noah would have my phone right up to his face, excitedly chatting away and asking when he can see his dad.

we still don't know when; covid has changed the world for sure.

i can see how much this affects jonah as well. every time i catch a glance at him through the phone, he looks miserable. his eyes have bags under them, as if he hasn't slept in forever. i hate this for them and i don't know how to help.

i want to be able to tell jonah to just come over and see his son. they are developing more accurate testing for covid, so maybe once that is reliable jonah can get tested frequently and it'll all work out.

speaking of working out... we have heard back about our case and my lawyer was right; they want to see if we can work things out on our own so they sent our case to a mediator.

due to covid, we're not exactly sure when our date to meet is. it's honestly not something at the forefront of my mind currently. i just want to make sure noah is safe and happy during these hard times.

it's been very lonely recently, not just for me but for everyone. i only go out to get groceries and i pick them up curbside instead of exposing myself to others by going in the store.

other than that i'm always at home. i take care of noah, do work from home, and then in my freetime i have been letting my creative mind flow.

i decided to take daniel's advice and start writing music again. so far i have written around 30 entire songs, ones that mean the world to me.

i've been thinking about posting some of them on youtube, but who knows. i haven't gotten any feedback from anyone because no one has heard the songs except for noah (who always asks me to sing them to him) my biggest supporter.

he takes pride in saying that both of his parents are 'talented and pretty singers'.

"hey em?" jonah says right before i hang up the facetime call that noah fell asleep during.

"yeah jo?"

he sighs, "this is really getting to me. it's so tiring not seeing him in person. like he's right there, so close... but i can't go near him. i just miss him."

i sit silently, wondering why he's opening up to me like this. he usually just ignores my presence.

"i know. he asks me everyday when he can go see you. i honestly would let you come here and stay with him for a bit, but corbyn has covid right now and tate is showing symptoms right?"

he looks down and nods, "yeah. it's too risky, i know. i just hate this."

"how about this... they recommend to self quarantine for 14 days. do that, get tested, and then you can come stay here for however long you want," i suggest.

he glances at me, "really? i mean you'd do that?"

"yeah of course. this apartment only has two bedrooms though so we'd have to switch out. i'd sleep on the couch in the living room for a night, you'd have my bed; then we can switch every other night."

a small smile appears on his face, "it sounds like a plan. i need to check with daniel and the boys, and management to see about taking some time away from recording. daniel actually really needs more time off, after corey and everything... but yeah if i do this it'll be almost a month off. oh plus i have to call tate and tell her. she's in washington right now, and i won't be able to see her for a while," he explains.

"do what you need to do, just let me know. i'm gonna go and get this one to bed. bye jonah."

"bye emerson.. thanks."


(a/n: sorry it's been a while <3)

THIS IS ME TRYING, jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now