Chapter 1

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A/N: ____ means your name...just to clarify... Hope you enjoy this. :)

*Your POV*
I went back to my dorm after a loooooonng day. I'm currently at uni studying criminology, it is such an Awesome subject but there is a lot to learn about it.

I just turned 21 last week, which was pretty exciting, and me and my best friend Paige didn't do a lot for my birthday, we just stayed in playing Games on the xbox, yes we have an xbox at uni because were that cool.
I have long, blonde hair and brown eyes that weirdly go green sometimes, no I don't understand either.

I was now sat at my computer looking for an apartment because I was finishing Uni next week and I don't want to go back and live with my parents back in England, I like it here in Ireland it's a nice place, also my boyfriend, Jamie, lives here, he goes to another uni about 20 minutes away and I met him when there was some party here at my Uni, Crossford, and we got talking and stuff and then he asked me out over Skype...I would get an apartment with him but he still has another year at Uni left.

I came across one that someone had put up saying they were looking for a room mate (well technically flat mate) and I thought...this would be good because I wouldn't have to pay a load of money for a flat when I could share one and it was at a cheap price too. I would have got an apartment with my two best friends, but they want to go back to England to be close to their families and boyfriends.

The house looked really nice, there were three rooms, one was their's and I guess the other two were the spare rooms and the downstairs was so nice there was a lounge with a balcony and the kitchen was like super fancy, I love cooking too, and the house was only about 20-30 minutes away from here so I wouldn't have to travel too far. So I decided to send an email to this person, asking if they were still looking for a room mate.

Email to: IamAwesome1
Hi, I was just wondering if you were still looking for a flat mate, if so I am very interested in this place. I am leaving Uni next week and I don't want to go back to England and am looking for a place quite cheap to live at so I can stay here in Ireland,so please can you get back to me Asap if possible. Thank you.

Then my room mate, well Uni room mate, came in.
"Hey Jasmine"I greeted going onto Youtube.
"Hey ____"She replied.
"How was Photography today?"I asked.
"It was alright I guess, Mr Jefferson was just lecturing us again which was boring but we got to go around the place taking photo's after that for our project"Jasmine explained.
"Awesome"I said.
I went to see if Joe, ThatcherJoe, had put up an new video...nope.
I knew Jack, Jacksepticeye, and Mark, Markiplier, would have 2 new video's today...but not for like another two I went and put on of The Midnight Beast's playlists they made on Youtube and did some coursework.

*Half an hour later*
I was just ya know doing coursework, listening to music, singing along with Jasmine, I casually got her into The Midnight Beast by playing their music a lot, when my laptop notified me, basically it beeped, telling me I had an Email.

I looked at the Email and it was from the person who owned the flat...Their username was IamAwesome1, I remember when I always used to say I was The Awesome One when I was at school, I still do now actually, haha.

Email from: IamAwesome1
Yes I am still looking for a flat mate, and I am glad to hear you are interested, I am looking for a flat mate because I can't pay for this place completely on my own. I have the details in the attachment below and I can send you a form with the contract sheet so you can move here by next week, no need to come and visit to check the place out, well you can if you want to but I trust you and you seem super eager, so I will send the forms Asap for you.

I squealed with excitement.
"What happened did Jack, Mark, Joe, Zoe or any member of The Midnight Beast follow you or something?"Jasmine asked.
she kind of knows I have a major Youtube obsession, it is literally my life, if I had to choose between going out or watching Youtube, I would always choose Youtube.
"No, I would be screaming more than that if that happened, I found a place to live here in Ireland, there is already a person living there so I will have a flat mate...I'm so excited"I explained.

"Oh right, when are you going to go look around it to see if you like it?"Jasmine asked.

"I'm not, he/she...pretty sure a girl lives there...It was more of a gut feeling that a female lived there, but she said I didn't have to go and look around if I didn't want to and she would send the forms Asap...I'm super excited!"I exclaimed.

"I'm super excited too, I will have to come visit you when you are there too"Jasmine said.

Jasmine's parents live in Ireland so she was just going back there after Uni, she was finishing a few days after me.

"Yes, of course and me, you and my flat mate will be such Awesome friends"I said super excited.

"Yes we will"Jasmine replied trying to put on a deep, creepy voice... But failed miserably.
We both burst into fits of laughter for about 5 minutes until we both calmed down and Jasmine got a phone call from her mum so she left the room to answer it and I replied to the Email.

Email To: IamAwesome1
Thank you so much You have no idea how excited I am about this. Thank you again.

Boom Email sent, the forms and stuffs should be here in a few days. Ah I'm so excited.

I decided to call my parents to let them know I found somewhere to live so I won't be living at home anymore but I will go down to visit them.

*?????? 's POV*
I am finally getting a flat mate again...I did have flat mate's before but they moved out a while ago now, and I can't afford to pay for this place myself and it's quiet here...most of the time.

I picked up the files and forms and all the contracty shit and put it in an envelope and wrote the address of the person's uni that they gave me...I'm not sure if this person/ soon to be flat mate is a male or female but either way I didn't mind.
I went to the post office, bought a stamp and sent the parcel to their Uni and it should be there by tomorrow or the following day because Crossford Uni is like a 20 minute drive from here.

Then on the walk back to my house, I don't drive...Too much effort and money, I got a sudden urge for cookies...I love them, I mean who doesn't they are soooo good.

So I went into my local corner shop and bought a packet of Maryland cookies, no it's not copyrighted...I checked, and then made my way, no...not down town I already did that, back home.

When I got in I sat at my computer and ate my cookies...mmm.

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