Chapter 23

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*Your POV*
Me and Jack were currently on our way to Paige's house and I had got my new phone...I got a 5s and I've wanted one for a while now so boo yah!

Luckily all my stuff was backed up on iCloud so I still had all my pictures and people's numbers which was good.

We soon got to Paige's house and I could not wait to see her face when se saw me but mostly Jack.

I made him wait around the corner so she couldn't see him and I knocked on the door.

A few minutes later she opened the door and as soon as she noticed it was me she engulfed me in a hug.
"I can't believe you're here...I was just about to text you to tell you a crazy dream I had as well"She chuckled.
"Well now you can tell us in person"I told her.
"Us?" She asked.
"There is someone I want you to meet and you will never guess who it is?"I smiled just thinking of him. Oh stop it you big softie.
"is it Jasmine because I've already met her remember"Paige said.
"Nope, Not Jasmine" I replied smirking.
"The who could it possibl-"
"Hi Paige...I've heard a lot about you" Jack interrupted.

Paige's jaw literally dropped to the centre of the earth.
"How the fu-" Paige asked looking between me and Jack.
"____ how are you not dying right now...Jack is right there and you aren't freaking out like you did when he replied to yo-" I covered her mouth to stop her talking as my cheeks glowed red.
"How about you tell us that dream then Paige" I told her.
No I wasn't trying to change the shush.
"I will but that isn't going to stop me from telling Jack things you said about him or to do with him since we were 15 though" Paige told me.
I just face palmed and we walked into her apartment.

We went into Paige's lounge and she asked if we wanted any drinks and got us some tea and got herself some Coke.
The Drink...Not cocaine...*Facepalm*
But it has to be coke not pepsi...Don't even mention pepsi to Paige...She can tell the difference in taste...Yeah, I don't understand her either.

We sat down on her sofa and she began to tell her story of her dream.
"Okay, If I tell you my dream you have to promise me two things...One, Jack you will not tell Mark about my dream because I know you two are friends. And Two, Both of you will Not laugh at my dream okay?"She asked pointing at us.
"I can't promise that"I told her.
"Your dreams are funny sometimes"I added.
"I won't tell Mark I promise"Jack said.
"Thank you Jack"She smiled.
"Okay, it was quite a short dream, I was a piece of bacon...Yeah that's right mofucking bacon...That is how much I love bacon, anyway I was sat on the side of my kitchen just admiring myself because I was bacon, and then I saw Mark walk into my kitchen...I was like what the holy fuck?! Because well Mark was in my kitchen, and yes Jack I do love Mark, he looked at the bacon on the plate next to me and then started to eat it piece by piece until he picked me up and started to eat me, but I didn't panic or die. I just went to his stomach and danced around as a piece of bacon then woke up"Paige explained.

I could not keep in my laughter and burst out laughing, After a while I fell off the sofa and was clutching my stomach because it was hurting from laughing too much.

Eventually I stopped laughing and sat back on the sofa sitting up straight and coughing awkwardly because Paige and Jack were staring at me...

Paige was giving me a death glare and Jack was slightly chuckling.
"Bruh...I told you not to laugh"Paige said.
"Sorry...that was the best dream you have ever told me"I told her.
"If I ever meet Mark I an soooo going to tell him that dream"I told her chuckling.
"Jack have I ever told you that when we were around 17 ____ said to me that you are so cute that it made her want to punch a wall" Paige told him.
I got up and left the room and went to the kitchen shouting "Fuck you Paige" as my cheeks glowed red from embarrassment.

I went to get myself another drink, whilst Paige and Jack did whatever in the lounge. Probably Paige telling Jack some embarrassing story about me.

I was just casually getting a glass of water, as you do when you are thirsty, and I was minding my own business when someone cane up behind me and covered my eyes with their hands, obviously, I had no idea who it was but I went all ninja and got out of it and ended up twisting their arms, not too much but enough to hold them in place.
"Owowowowowowowowowowow"Jack complained.
I let go of his arms and he rubbed them, I thought it was Paige...I feel bad for hurting Jack. Paige wouldn't have minded.
"I'm sowwwwwwwyyy I didn't mean to hurt you "I told him hugging him.
"It's okay you didn't it was more of a shock"He said.
"Ohmygod....awwwwhhhhhhhhh...Otp right there"Paige squealed.
I get go of Jack and gave her a death glare but failed because I was smiling.
"But Sorry if I did hurt you Jack, I honestly thought it was Paige"I told him.
"Hey!"Paige said.
"Oh shush you...You would have hurt
we back anyway"I told her.
"That is very true"She replied.
"How long have you guys been friends?"Jack asked.
"Since we were 14...why?"Me and Paige said at the same time which made us laugh.
"Two reasons...the first being curiosity and the second being the fact you two act pretty much like sisters...And that is super Awesome"He told us.
We both smiled at each other at what Jack just said and we realised it was true we were like sisters and it was Awesome.

Me and Jack spent most of the day at Paige's house until Jack said we needed to go because of some plans or something so around 4:30 we left Paige's and I gave her a hug goodbye and went back to our hotel for something or other.

A/N: Feel free to change your best friends name...I just out Paige because 1 she is my best friend so I just pit her name and she wanted me to put the whole bacon dream thing in and 2 it made life a lot easier because otherwise you might get confused if I put the underscore. Anyway sorry AGAIN for not updating in a while. I've just been so busy lately with work and shit. But hope you liked the chapter.

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