Chapter 8

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A/N: I am suuuuuper sorry I haven't updated, I have exam's coming up in like 12 days and I'm busy revising...Don't hate me...I will update loads in the summer because I would have finished school. Yay!
Oh and by the way I have absolutely nothing against Jack's girlfriend...and Again I have no idea her name so I used Alice.

*Jack's POV*
____ had passed out when I went to grab my phone.
Once the ambulance had arrived they did all this medical shit and put ____ on this stretcher thing and was taken into the ambulance, with me getting in after the doctors
"Sir can you tell me what happened to ____?"The main paramedic asked.
"Well all I know is that ____ came into my room and slammed the door behind her and was holding it shut, so I went and helped her and she said it was Jamie, her ex, and he was trying to get in and then he stopped trying to get in so ____ went to have a look to see if he was gone, but I should have been the one to go and look because he stabbed her...I tried to keep her awake but she passed out when I went to get my phone to call you guys..."I explained feeling my voice break.
"Okay, do you know who this guy was because you are going to have to speak to the police"The paramedic said.
"I think it was Jamie, I don't know what his surname is though..."I replied.
"Well just tell them what you know and when ____ wakes up she can explain what she knows"He said.

We soon got to the hospital and ____ Went into surgery to check that nothing was damaged when she was stabbed...I do hope she is okay.I was currently sat waiting in her hospital room, and was waiting for her to be wheeled in after surgery.

I mean what if she isn't and something happens in surgery or what if she lost too much blood...I was interrupted from my thoughts by my phone ringing...I instantly pulled it from my back pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?"I said.
"Hi Baby"She replied.
It was Alice. Obviously.
"Oh Hi baby, How come you're's going to cost you loads...If you want I can call you back so it costs me not you"I said to her.
"I know, and no it's fine you don't need to do that but I wanted to talk to you, and you would't pick up Skype...where are you you're normally home at this time...recording..."She said.
"Yeah I know, I'm actually at the hospital with ____ because she got stabbed by her ex who went crazy and came to our apartment and she lost a lot of blood and is-"
"To be honest Sean, I don't want to hear about her...Recently all you have done is talk about her these past couple of days, all you have done when we have been on Skype is talk about her moving in or how great she is at making cookies or cake...but I don't think I can do this anymore Sean..."She said.
At this point ____ got wheeled into the room.
"Do what, what are you on about Alice?"
"What I'm saying Sean is that I can't do in us anymore...because you clearly like ____ because she is all you talk about...also the distance doesn't exactly help either...I'm sorry Sean..."These words have broken my heart in two.
"Why...Please don't do this...I was only excited about someone living with me...please don't do this...I love you..."I told her.
"I love you too Sean, I just can't do this...the distance is killing me"She replied.
"Then come and live in Ireland with me and ____"I suggested.
"Sean, I can't just move from Korea all the way to family is here and plus I'm going back to Uni in a few months"She replied.
"...Just don't leave me..."I said to her tears now streaming down my face and dropping onto my legs.
"I'm sorry..."She said...I could hear her silently crying herself.
"I have to go...bye Sean"She added.
Then she hung up...
That's it, she was gone.
I couldn't help but cry, and seeing ____ hooked up to machines pumping liquids into her arms made things worse.
I just put my head in my hands and cried to myself...until I felt a soft hand on my wrist, I slowly looked up, thinking it was a doctor or a nurse, but to my surprise it was ____.
An instant smile was brought to my face, at least one thing is okay.
"Hey, what's up, why have you been crying?"She asked looking concerned.
She was concerned about me, even after she just woke up and has been stabbed she is worried about me...Awwh.
"Oh it's nothing, how are you feeling?"I asked wiping my eyes.
"Stomach hurts quite a bit but I'm surviving...and I can tell you are not okay Jack...tell me what's wrong"She replied.
Okay, here we go...time to explain and try not to cry.

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